Some things to consider:
- Currently, there is a great need in Cambodia for qualified Communications and Media Specialists.
- Many employers in Cambodia are now actively looking for qualified students in the Communications field.
- Many newspapers, magazines, TV stations, and radio stations need qualified writers, reporters, producers, editors, and support staff.
- Many companies need people with knowledge and skills in advertising, public relations, sales/ promotions, and marketing.
With about 800 organizations (NGOs) registered with the government, communications jobs are expected to rise above the average level.
- The government often hires press officers to respond to media inquiries and many NGOs, embassies, trade unions, and schools also seek qualified public relations officers to serve as spokespersons.
Our majors provide excellent preparation for careers in:
- Newspapers and magazines
- TV and Radio
- Human Resource Management
- Sales and Promotion / Advertising
- Public Sector/Government / NGOs
- Peace Building / Community Development
- Social Affairs
And, in any fields where writing well, speaking well, solving problems, and working with diverse groups of people are necessary skills.