A Call for Staff Training Mobility for One Week
March 24, 2025 2025-03-24 7:45A Call for Staff Training Mobility for One Week

A Call for Staff Training Mobility for One Week
PUC Staff training Mobility for One Week
Within the framework of our Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement, we are pleased to announce scholarship of staff/teaching staff training mobility at the Afyon Kocatepe Univerisity, Turkey from 12-16 May 2025.
We seek for the potential candidate from Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia to attend the staff training mobility for one week with the fully funded by program.
1. Must be PUC full time staff from related fields or faculties
2. Leadership skills and management
3. Willing to share and learn the new things
4. Be flexible and responsible
5. Good experience with the related work and related trainings
How to Apply:
PUC staff must:
1- Fill out the application form, available at PUC International Relations Office, Toul Kork Campus
2- Submit a copy of complete updated CV and Cover Letter
3- Letter of interest for the program
4- At least one recommendation from your supervisor
5- Valid passports
6- Other supporting documents
Application form and other pertinent documents must reach to IR Office by April 01, 2025.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Ho Kimsoung
Telegram: 078542161
Email: kimsoungho@puc.edu.kh