Public Affairs
February 2, 2025 2025-03-10 5:21Public Affairs
Bachelor Degree
Public Affairs
PUC-FLPA uniquely offers a competitive Bachelor of Arts in Public Affairs for students who aims to serve society through public services and government careers, civic engagement non-profit service, and public communication. The Multidisciplinary public affairs areas of study will prepare students with competency, leadership and decision-making skills to manage and address public interest and social issues in order to build a better society.
The Bachelor of Arts in Public Affairs is a credit-based program composed of 43 courses, which are taught through four consecutive academic years for full-time students using interactive, practical experience, problem-solving and clinical legal education methods.
The First Academic Year or Foundation Year comprises of ten foundation courses in which students will acquires knowledge, skills and values in five major areas: foreign languages, humanities, sciences, ICT, social sciences, and fundamental principles of law and Cambodian Constitution and state institutions. This Foundation Year Program aims to strengthen the students’ general knowledge prior to specialization in public affairs.
The Second Academic Year comprises of a total of 11 functional and institutional courses in which students will acquires knowledge, skills and values in Cambodian government and politics, public policy and administration, ethics for public services, administrative law, United Nation system, political economy, entrepreneurship and economics, mass media, research methods in social sciences, management and leadership skills. This Second Year Program aims to provide multi-disciplinary understanding and analysis of major fields that have implication or relation with public affairs.
The Third Academic Year comprises of 11 basic major courses in which students will acquires knowledge, skills and values in local, regional and international subjects of governance, politics, economic, public service, dispute resolution, tax and other related regulations as well as social science research methods. This Third Year Program aims to enrich students’ knowledge in specialized areas of public affairs and prepare them for working in public sector as well as government-relation department of private entities.
The Fourth Academic Year comprises of 10 major and elective courses, and 1 graduation path in which students will acquires knowledge, skills and values in public finance, public policy analysis, legal drafting, social protection, government procurement, research methods in social sciences and contemporary issues in public affairs. This fourth Year Program aims to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills to be competent and well-rounded professionals in public affairs and /or pursue further study locally or abroad.
Throughout these 4 academic years, students may opt to enroll in 3 elective courses that can be chosen from a list of elective courses. To graduate, students may choose to write a senior project paper, internship report or take exit exam.
Major: Public Affairs
Year One: Foundation Year Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Priority |
ENGP 103[1] | English for Public Affairs: Terminology | 3 | Required |
POL 101 | Introduction to Political Sciences | 3 | Required |
ICTP 120[2] | ICT Skills for Public Affairs Studies | 4 | Required |
NATS 102 | Environmental Sciences | 3 | Required |
SOC 110 | Gender Studies | 3 | Required |
HCSI 130[3] | History of Cambodia and State Institutions | 3 | Required |
PSYC 212 | Personal Growth and Development | 3 | Required |
ARIL 150[4] | Academic Research Skills and Information Literacy | 3 | Required |
| Oriented Courses |
LAW 110[5] | Legal Issues in Public Affairs | 3 | Required |
LAW 120[6] | Cambodian Constitution | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 31 |
Year Two: Functional Skill Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Priority |
POL 201 | Cambodian Government and Politics | 3 | Required |
LAW 261[7] | Administrative Law and Administrative Reform | 3 | Required |
ECON 230[8] | Introduction to Economics and Entrepreneurship | 3 | Required |
SOC 328[9] | Foundation for Research Methods in Social Sciences | 3 | Required |
PHIL 222[10] | Introduction to Ethics of Public Services | 3 | Required |
PAD 207 | Introduction to Public Policy and Administration | 3 | Required |
IR 200 | Theories of International Relations | 3 | Required |
POL 203 | Introduction to Political Economy | 3 | Required |
MGT 266[11] | Management and Leadership Development Skills for Public Affairs | 3 | Required |
COM 210 | Introduction to Communication and Mass Media | 3 | Required |
POL 202 | ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 33 |
Year Three: Basic Major Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Priority |
LAW 310 | Introduction to International Law | 3 | Required |
POL 319[12] | Public Policy Development and Analysis | 3 | Required |
IR 408 | The United Nations System | 3 | Required |
PAF 320 | Local Governance and Politics | 3 | Required |
LAW 320 | Alternative Dispute Resolution and Ombudsman | 3 | Required |
ECON 312 | Macroeconomic Principles | 3 | Required |
PAF 330 | Organizational Management for Public Services | 3 | Required |
LAW 331 | Labor Law for Public Sector | 3 | Required |
LAW 330 | Fiscal Legislation and Taxation | 3 | Required |
PAF 420 | Foreign Policy and Public Relation | 3 | Required |
LAW 370 | International Human Rights Law | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 33 |
Year Four: Major Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Priority |
| Major Courses |
ECON 425[13] | Principles of Public Finance and Reform | 3 | Required |
ECON 456 | Economic Analysis and Public Policy | 3 | Elective |
LAW 474 | Legislative Drafting and Techniques | 3 | Required |
LAW 497 | Social Protection Law | 3 | Required |
FIN 410 | Government Procurement | 3 | Required |
SOC 420 | Research Methods and Analysis in Social Sciences | 3 | Required |
PAF 460 | Public Affairs Seminar | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 21 |
| Elective Courses (Earn at least 9 Credits) |
POL 220 | Public Interest Groups and Management | 3 | Elective |
PAF 330 | Religious Affairs and Management | 3 | Elective |
MGT 460 | Grant Proposal Writing | 3 | Elective |
FIN 351 | Budgeting Technique and Project Management Application | 3 | Elective |
HRM 465 | Human Capital Development and Management in Public Sector | 3 | Elective |
MGT 343 | Public Health and Health Services Management | 3 | Elective |
PSYC 322[14] | Social Psychology | 3 | Elective |
ECON 449 | International Finance and Economics | 3 | Elective |
LAW 451 | Criminology and Justice System | 3 | Elective |
LAW 420 | Introduction to Environmental Law | 3 | Elective |
LAW 443 | Rights of Persons with Disabilities | 3 | Elective |
LAW 490 | Legal Systems of ASEAN Nations | 3 | Elective |
LAW 360 | Court Advocacy Skills and Techniques | 3 | Elective |
LAW 472 | Client Counseling and Practice | 3 | Elective |
LAW 498 | Agricultural Law | 3 | Elective |
LAW 499 | Urbanization and Construction Law | 3 | Elective |
LAW 470 | Clinical Legal Education | 3 | Elective |
LAW 431 | Financial Law | 3 | Elective |
LAW 492 | Consumer Protection | 3 | Elective |
LAW 494 | Health Law | 3 | Elective |
STAT 201 | Introduction to Statistics and Its Applications | 3 | Elective |
ENGL 305 | Professional Writing | 3 | Elective |
PHIL 215 | Philosophy and Society | 3 | Elective |
KHMR 110 | Khmer Studies | 3 | Elective |
| Subtotal | 9 |
Graduation Path (Choose One) | |||
PAF 489 | Senior Project and Defense | 3 | Required |
PAF 489 | Internship Report/ Community Services | 3 | Required |
PAF 489 | Exit Exam | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 3 |
| Total | 130 |
Course Description
ENGP 103 English for Public Affairs: Terminology
This course is designed for foundation year students majoring in public affairs. The course introduces basic concepts of public affairs through terminologies in Khmer and English. Terminologies introduced in this course will be the foundation for public affairs students to assimilate and acquire advanced public affairs studies in the field of policy, economic, politics, law, business, finance, sociology and others disciplines relevant to public affairs taught throughout their pursuit of 4-year BA in Public Affairs. The students will practice comprehensive terminology exercises such as multiple choices, reading, case analysis, composition, and translation.
POL 101 Introduction to Political Sciences
This course is developed to introduce students the basic academic disciplines of political science, which is one of the common courses in the Foundation Studies Program. The course instruction goes through various conceptual topics in the hope that students will understand the most basic issues of political science. This course also intends to illustrate why general people and students should study political science both inside and outside the classroom, and especially understand their society interaction. To learn this course effectively, students are to participate in the class, distribute community services, and write reports and present assigned topics related to current issues in the framework of political science.
ICTL 120 ICT Skills for Public Affairs Studies
To operate effectively and efficiently in today’s digital world, students in public affairs studies are required to have competent skills in information and communications technology. This course familiarizes students with the use of a computer as an effective tool for their public affairs studies and work. It is designed specifically to provide public affairs students with an overview of how computer systems work, the fundamental concepts and terminologies of computer systems, knowledge of basic computer hardware and software, software installation, and basic computer troubleshooting. In addition, this course spends a considerable amount of time to teach and train public affairs students on how to use word-processing, spread sheet, and presentation applications for effective organization of their materials for public affairs studies.
NATS 102 Environmental Sciences
This is a non-lab science course that is part of the general studies. Any undergraduate student has to complete it in order to go to their specific majors. This course examines the complex interaction between human beings & their environment. Some fundamental concepts of environmental science are presented to students in order to make them environmentally aware about vital issues like conservation of natural resources, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid growth of human population coupled with technology causing major environmental problems. Emphasis is given to promote sustainable concepts and to enable students to make informed choices regarding their environment. This course is designed to make students understand theories and integrate them into practical applications through real world situation observations, consequentially allowing them to establish cause and effect relationship through impact assessment projects.
SOC 110 Gender Studies
This course introduces Gender Studies as general studies for all undergraduate students at PUC. Given the comprehensiveness and diversity of the overall subject area, this course will provide an introduction to and critical engagement with several specific areas of inquiry that make up Gender Studies. The course first examines several fundamental gender concepts necessary for the students to acquire the basic gender perspectives. Then it focuses on the issues of gender-based violence, such as domestic violence and rape, so as to understand how gender interlinks with violence against women. Students will learn by examining substantial incidents on gender by reading relevant materials as well as having several discussions with the guest speakers working to promote gender equity. Through the classes and group discussions, students will be encouraged to engage the issues presented in the class, and to compare assigned readings interdisciplinary. The Students are also encouraged to think critically about their implications, apply and synthesize what they are learning, and make connections to their own personal and professional lives.
HCSI 130 History of Cambodia and State Institution
This is a social science course for all students to get understanding how historical events influence law, socio-economics and vice-versa. Students will discuss and reflect on Pre-Angkorian and Post Angkorian period of Cambodian history, with particular attention to decades of war and its consequences from 1953-1989 as well as peace building, post-war restoration and reform from 1989 to the contemporary time. The dynamics of Khmer culture, society and economics will be discussed based on scientific research, public opinion and media. The course will also discuss the role of past and present state institutions functional or otherwise in nation-building through education, social harmony, inclusive economic development, political structure, foreign policy, human rights, and other social issues. In addition, this course incorporates community learning approach that enable students to have better understanding of a community’s history and its needs.
PSYC 212 Personal Growth and Development
The course is an introduction to ethical philosophy for the undergraduate students to fulfil before going on for a specific major course. It studies a variety of ethical theories from both Western and Eastern ethical philosophies. It is designed to acquaint students with ethical thoughts, both theoretical and practical aspects, so as to enable them apply to them to practical dilemma in their life and society in which they live.
ARIL 150 Academic Research-Information Literacy
With new technology, students have access to more information than ever. However, not all information is reliable or reputable, especially for academic purposes. It is important that students learn how to locate, soft through, and use the information available to them effectively. The goal of this course is to introduce students to information literacy (IL) skills, which are fundamental to understanding the vast amounts of information available and provide a foundation for scholarly work. These skills also prepare students for continued learning outside of the classroom and full, intelligent participation in the society by learning to access information and think critically about it. The course will focus on building these skills through academic research and writing process. Instruction will guide students step by step through the research process, teaching them to locate and evaluate resources and then use the information to make an academic argument. The course will also cover the concept of plagiarism and help students understand how to use information ethically and responsibly by using proper citation techniques. The course will culminate with students demonstrating their acquired knowledge and skills by making an academic argument in the form of a research paper.
LAW 110 Lega Issues in Public Affairs
This course introduces students to general notion of law, the basic theories and concepts of law, the nature, function, general classification of law, objective law and subjective law, the world legal system, Khmer legal system, sources of Cambodian law, hierarchy of Cambodian law, law-making process in Cambodia and legal issues in public affairs.
LAW 120 Cambodian Constitution
This is an introductory course on Cambodian Constitution. This course will cover the following topics: general characteristics and basic principles of Cambodian Constitution, Roles and Duties of the Kings, Fundamental Rights, Separation of Powers (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary), Judicial Review, Due Process, and Rule of Law. Through lectures, presentations and discussions in classes, it is expected that students will learn and understand the textual content of the Constitution, fundamental concepts incorporated under the Cambodian Constitution, constitutional doctrine, and the fundamental values of this nation.
POL 201 Cambodian Government and Politics
This course examines key political concepts and theories of institutionalism, structure and function of main political institutions and actors in the Cambodian political system in context of constitutional monarchy, democratic government, separation of power, market-economy and individual rights. The course also analyzes political participation and culture in Cambodian society.
LAW 261 Administrative Law and Public administration reform
Introduction to Administrative Law and Administrative Reform is primarily designed for undergraduate students studying. In this regard, the main goal of this course mainly focuses on basic concepts, general principles, and legal framework that govern actions of government agencies and public officials in Cambodia in particular in context of good governance, and legal, judicial and political importance of administrative law – substantive and procedural laws in theory and practice. Students will also be introduced to the contemporary administrative reform programs in Cambodia.
ECON 230 Introduction to Economics and Entrepreneurship
Economics is one of the most challenges in social science studies. The context of this subject itself lies within the rational boundary of how people would interact differently to the particular economics circumstances to attain appropriate decision makings. At the micro level, this subject will provide a clear insight of how household would make his or her decision among other alternatives to reach a better off situation while confronting with limited resources. At the macro level, this subject will provide a clear focus of how a whole economics entity’s role would play to maintain balance of payment. The international trade, inflation, the costs of inflation, and unemployment are also covered in this course.
SOC 328 Research Methods in Social Sciences
The course introduces into intermediate research methods in social science with emphasis on research methods in international relations. The course builds on the first and second-year courses in academic writing and information literacy introducing students to conventional and unconventional research methods in social sciences in order to prepare them for senior projects as well as employment in research projects conducted by PUC or other institutions.
PHIL 222 Introduction to Ethics of public services
This course examines the basic concepts and principles of ethical thought, including issues of morality and self-interest, right and wrong, actions, character, consequences, motive, and their relationship to issues of law, religion, and society. Students will read and analyze writings by famous philosophers, thinkers, and leaders regarding ethics and the “good society”. Additionally, students will discuss the application of ethical principles and guidelines to position of public servants and legal and ethical issues in situations faced by public officials.
PAD 207 Introduction to Public Policy and Administration
The study of public policy and pubic administration has become more important and complex in recent years. This course aims at providing students with basic concepts of public policy making process with a bunch of theories that have been widely used to understand the behaviors of both politicians and bureaucracy. Since there are several models available in the study of public policy, this course will adopt the cycle approach to look into the policy process, because this model is simple, step-by-step and practical in analyzing public policy. When public policies are made, it requires the government institutions and public servants to implement. For a long time, we always assume that implementation was static and predictable, but recently we have learned that problems of implementation are also part of policy failure. The second part of this course will focus on public administration, which consists of traditional model of public administration and new public management.
IR 200 Theories of International Relations
The course introduces students to major theories of international relations. This includes the theory of Realism, Liberalism, Social Constructivism, Neo-Realism, Neo-Liberalism, Marxism, Post Structural, Feminism, Critical, Postcolonialism and other contemporary theories. These theories serve as framework for understanding phenomenon, events, situation, conditions, and behavior of actors in complex world orders.
POL 203 Introduction to Political Economy
This course will provide a basic introduction into the essential of political economy, domestically as well as internationally, touching questions of economic development. The course introduces students to the theories and consequences of economics, especially as it relates to political policies, income levels, currency value, and opportunities. Some of the topics covered will include Keynesian economics, supply-side economics, inflation, deflation, inflationary pressures, currency value, etc.
MGT 266 Management and Leadership Development Skills for Public Affairs
This course is part of management course program. It aims at providing students with necessary skills to develop and improve their leadership. It starts with an overview of leadership and the difference between leadership and management. The rest of the course concentrates on various skills that a leader need. It will not only provide the conceptual perspectives but practical applications and real examples, especially in Cambodian context.
COM 210 Introduction to Communications and Mass Media
This course is designed to introduce students to Communications: the ability to give and receive information quickly and effectively. The art of getting your message across effectively is a vital part of being a successful manager. It is also wise to note that communication is the foundation of leadership. This course provides foundations to improve communication skills.
POL 202 ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics
This course is a comparative study course that is relevant to integration of policy and development in Cambodia and the region. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding through analysis of ASEAN Political and Economic institutions and their evolution and paradigm since the establishment in 1967. Students are expected to understand the functional purpose, the evolution, issues and future direction of the Association and its member states in the age of globalization and future economies.
LAW 310 Introduction to International Law
The field of PIL deals with many aspects of the functioning of the international community (including the relations of States with each other and with international organizations). It also affects many activities that occur within or across State boundaries (including the treatment by States of their citizens, environmental law, international trade and many other areas). The impact of international law on the Cambodian legal system and the globalized nature of many governmental, judicial and social activities means that a basic knowledge of the terminology, institutions, and substance of international law is not only worthwhile acquiring in its own right, but is also a necessary part of the knowledge and skills of any public affairs students.
POL 319 Public Policy Development and Analysis
The course specializes on policy analysis in respect to policy outputs (how policies are made and implemented) and outcomes (if policies achieve expected aims/objectives) and respective concepts for policy evaluation. A broad range of policy areas might be chosen reaching from analysis of health policies, economic policies, social security policies and education policies to foreign policies, infrastructure and environmental policies among others. Students get familiarized with public policies and policy analysis.
IR 308 The United Nations System
The course describes the origins and establishment of the United Nations, and then proceeds to examine the organizational structure of the UN as well as the various programs undertaken by the organization. There will also be an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this international body in the era of globalization.
PAF 320 local governance and politics
This course examines the relation and influence of the national governance system and sub-national democratic reform and development program on the public services delivery as well as hard and soft infrastructure investment at local government level, in particular provincial, district and commune levels. The course also discusses the national policy impact on the livelihood and other trending socio-economic issues pertaining to the local governance and politics, just to name a few, public health services and sanitation, access to water and electricity, access to education, and environmental pollution and natural resource management.
LAW 320 Alternative Dispute Resolution and ombudsman
This course provides students with basic theoretical and practical understanding of alternative dispute resolutions (ADR) in Cambodia and around the World. It covers basic principle of different kinds of dispute resolution mechanisms through negation, mediation, arbitration, litigation for private and public dispute as well as ombudsman for grievance mechanism in public administration and services. This course also outlines the role and scope of ADR in contrast to traditional litigation and examines the various ADR models used worldwide, in both its binding and non-binding forms.
ECON 312 Macroeconomic Principles
This course is an introduction to the macroeconomic theory. It will introduce the context of macroeconomics by presenting the main variables and groups of individual economic units that interact on the different markets. Description of National accounting principles and the components of aggregate supply and demand will lead us to study the topic of macroeconomic equilibrium. Some traditional macroeconomic disequilibrium will be also discussed: Inflation, unemployment that will drive us in the end, to deal with macroeconomic policies.
This course will discuss organization principles in particular for the management, monitoring and evaluation of public services delivery in general and specific context in Cambodia. Operational management, including service system, process innovation, planning, budgeting, funding, scheduling, quality control, tasks allocation and execution in non-profit, private enterprise, and public institutions will be compared and contrast to find a right balance for improving public services.
LAW 331 LABOR LAW for public sector
This course introduces students with general rules of Cambodian Labor Law and its application in Cambodia. The course includes General Principles of Labor Law, Sources of Labor Law, Labor Administration and Dispute Resolution Systems, Shop Steward and Trade Unions, Enterprises and Employer Association, Employment Contract, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Working Condition, Health and Safety, and Social Security. The course analyzes labor laws in multi-perspectives and in particular from public policy makers’ perspectives.
LAW 330 Fiscal Legislation and Taxation
The course will consist of the materials pertaining to the concept of taxation, the classification of various taxes, and the concept of equity in taxation. This will lead to the tax structure. The U.S. tax structure and the Cambodian tax structure will be explained, including the notion of Income, and Income Tax, which does not exist in Cambodia. The determination of income using Singapore definition and U.S. definition will be explored. Further reading on Singapore individual income and corporate income will enhance further understanding of income for tax purposes. The purposes of fiscal legislation will be examined in general terms under general aspect of the matter. The second part of the course will cover Cambodian taxation, which consisted of salary tax, tax on profit and VAT tax.
PAF 340 Foreign Policy and Public Relation
The course identifies theoretical and practical concepts of foreign policy and how state interacts with the international communities through its diplomatic relation and articulate to shape and mold the opinion of constituents or citizen for its foreign policy support through public relations such press release or public statement, public interview, public events, audio and visual communication and documents. The state foreign policies discussed in this course include but not limited to international trade, foreign direct investment, international security, international human rights, environmental issues, etc.
LAW 370 International Human Rights Law
This is an introductory course on International Human Rights Law. This course will cover the following topics: Core concepts and origin of human rights, International bill of human rights, International and regional protection mechanism of human rights as well as monitoring, implementing, and enforcing of human rights. Furthermore, through judicial and non-judicial cases, the course discusses theoretical concepts, evolution, and legal, judicial and administrative measures for protection of human rights contain therein the international bill of human rights and human rights treaties, and that. The course also discusses the application of human rights law and human rights protection and promotion in Cambodia.
ECON 426 Principles of Public Finance and Reform
The course examines the effects and consequences of different types of taxation and expenditures on the economic agents (individuals, institutions, organizations, etc.) of the society and ultimately on the entire economy. Public finance also analyzes the effectiveness of the policies aimed at certain objectives and consequently to the development of procedures and techniques for increasing the effectiveness of the policy. The course indeed discusses the recent public finance reform, one of the core state reform.
ECON 456 Economic Analysis and Public Policy
The course will introduce the foundation of analyzing economic activities and reasons in order to initiate a needed policy, and to evaluate and recommend a misleading policy. While you are expected to be comfortable with the relevant technical concepts, the emphasis is on their relevance and application to public policy problems and issues. The course covers the public sector in a mixed economy, market efficiency, market failure and government failure, efficiency and equity, government expenditures, taxation, and deficit financing. More economic concepts and at some instances political economy concepts will be used throughout the course.
FIN 410 Government Procurement
This course introduces students to the theoretical concept and practical aspects of government procurement within good governance and public finance framework. Topics covered in this course include but not limited to role and organizational function of public procurement, procurement cycle and procedures and stakeholders, importance of ethics and professionalism in public procurement, value-added of the public procurement to the public services delivery, and others aspect influence the evolution of public procurement such as law and regulations, culture, social, pollical and economic aspects of the society.
LAW 474 Legislative Drafting and Practice (Clinic Course)
This course focuses on approaches and steps of law drafting in Cambodia including problem analysis, value identification, contextual analysis, drafting methodology, syntax analysis, public consultation, regulatory impact assessment, policy articulation and negotiation. The course also examines best practices of law drafting of other countries.
LAW 497 Social Protection Law
This course provides understanding of theoretical concepts, law, policy and practice related to social protection including social assistance and social security. Topics discussed in this course include but not limited to social assistance for education, pregnant women and children, vocational training, person with disabilities, elderly people, unemployment, work-related accident and injury, health insurance, and pension.
SOC 420 Research Methods in Social Sciences
The course provides theoretical concept and practices in social sciences research methods with emphasis on data collection methods and theoretical framework for analysis. Topic covers in this course include theories of scientific research, qualitative research, empirical research, qualitative inquiry and research design, ethnography, narrative, phenomenological, grounded-theory, case study, data collection and data analysis. This course aim to prepare students who opt for senior project writing path.
PAF 460 public affairs Seminar
The course is for students who are in their final year of their public affairs studies. It is structured in an academic way that the students present and discuss theoretical concepts and practices as a result of the students’ research to sharpen their research and writing skills. It also involves in-depth analysis of public affairs issues and topics as presented by guest speakers.
POL 222 Public Interest Groups and Management
This course analyzes the implication of different type of public interest groups on the public policy and public perception management. Topics covered in this course include role and function of interest groups in public policy, political participation and political culture of the society, government’s balancing strategies in response to different interest groups, and role of political, social, economic and cultural values in harmonizing different interest groups and sustaining growth and prosperity.
MGT 462 Grant Proposal Writing
This course assimilates students the fundamental elements of grant proposal and approaches to grant proposal writing including such as problem formulation, objectives, project design, methodology, planning and budgeting, evaluation and assessment, sustainability. Students will develop skills needed to write professional, competitive, compelling and successful grant proposals
FIN 351 Budgeting Technique and Project Management
The course is designed to provide students with theoretical and technical knowledge about budget, planning procedure, program development and evaluation for both private corporation and government.
PAF 330 Religious Affairs and Management
The course analyzes role and function of religions in interfaith harmony, sustainable peace and religion conflict resolution and management, law and regulations managing religious institutions and their activities in various aspect of the society and national development. The course also discusses the effects of state neutrality and sponsorship of religions on freedom of religion and public administration.
LAW 451 Criminology and Justice System
This course emphasizes criminological theories with the purpose of understanding the nature and extent of crime, crime causation, criminal justice system, crime policy as well as prevention of criminality. This course also studies the new approach of dealing with criminality and recidivism (reoffending) such as rehabilitation and restorative justice.
HRM 465 Human Capital Development and Management in Public Sector
The course is divided into important parts including: (i) introduction to HRM; (ii) recruitment, incubation and deployment; (iii) training and development; (iv) compensation and social protection; (v) performance based evaluation using Key Performance Index, (vi) importance of human capital development and management in efficiency, effectiveness, responsiveness, of public services delivery (v) general and specific legal framework governing government officials; and best practices of human capital development and management in other countries.
The course covers organizational function, structure and administration of public health system, policies, strategic planning and programming, human resources, operational management, monitoring and evaluation thereof, health financing, development analysis, policy research analysis, and other analytical skills for in-depth understanding the relation between public health with politics and administration for public health services delivery at sub-national level.
PSYC 322 Introduction to Social Psychology
This course introduces undergraduate students to some of the theories, research, and applications of social psychology. Social psychology is an interdisciplinary domain that bridges the gap between psychology and sociology. Social psychology can useful for students who want to have a deeper understanding of marketing principles, conformity, self-concepts, prejudice, group dynamics, and crowd violence. It is hoped that through this course students will have a better understanding of why people act as they do in various social situations. The course raises students’ awareness of their attitudes, self-concept, prejudices, and social behavior.
ECON 449 International Finance & Economics
This course is a presentation of international economics and finance issues. An initial focus on trade theory is planned. Trade policies will also be investigated. The link between finance and production and trade will broadly be explained in a theoretical way but also by referring to the structure of past and today international financial system. The main problems related to the IFS will be highlighted and students’ propositions to solve these problems will stand as a conclusion to this class.
Legislation and law enforcement are among the most important ways of ensuring that natural resources are conserved or used sustainably. This course examines and appraises general principles of environmental law, as developed in international and national legislation of jurisdictions around the world and in Cambodia. The course discusses Cambodia’s responsibility in relation to regional, and international trade agreements (e.g., WTO) and international conventions (e.g., United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity, and CITES). The aim is to ensure that students are familiar with the basic concepts of law as far as they are relevant for environmental policies, as well as with relevant international agreements and Cambodian national legislation and their implementation.
LAW 443 Rights of Persons with Disabilities
This course provides students with Clinical legal Education (CLE) skill and substantive knowledge of rights of the persons with disabilities. This course is divided into four modules: 1) development of the capacity of the students as legal clinicians in a community education legal clinic for rights of persons with disabilities, 2) building students’ understandings of the applicable instruments related to the rights of persons with disabilities, 3) developing of the capacity of the students as legal clinicians in preparation of lesson plan for rights of persons with disabilities and 4) building students confidence and enrich them in order to provide legal training to the community.
LAW 490 Legal Systems of ASEAN Nations
This course provides students with an understanding of Legal and Political System of ASEAN Nations. It covers both its institutional and substantive aspects including its structure, decision making procedures, and dispute settlement procedures as well as major principles to promote free trade, mutual understanding, human rights and cooperation in the region. Legal and Political System of ASEAN nations is unavoidable under the age of globalization. This course illustrates the ways in which Legal and Political System of ASEAN nations can be strategized to prepare students to meet some of the challenges of regional and globalization and yet remain rooted to their local needs.
LAW 360 Court Advocacy Skills and Techniques
This course covers basic concepts and techniques of trial advocacy skills, including developing a court room personality, personal credibility, and the theme of the cases; opening statements and closing arguments, direct and cross examinations, witness preparation, evidence, handling exhibits, the use of expert witnesses, legal interpretation and analysis as well as trial practices.
LAW 472 Client Counselling and Practice
This course is a practical course aiming at introducing students to the dynamics of productive lawyer-client relationship, goals of interviewing and consultation, and structure of interview and techniques that can be used to achieve those goals. The focus is on developing law students’ skills in interviewing and consultation. Instruction consists of assigned reading, problem exercises, group discussion and practice through simulation.
LAW 498 Agricultural Law
This course provides students with basic concepts of agricultural economics, law and policy affecting agricultural livelihood and business which include but not limited to laws in areas of contract, property, secured transaction, negotiable instruments, cooperatives, tort, trade and commerce, bankruptcy, standards and product quality, and environmental protection.
LAW 499 Urbanization and Construction Law
This course explores important substantive areas and concepts in the field of urban planning and construction laws, policy and practice. Topics include urbanization; land use, growth management, transportation and traffic congestion, economic development, urbanization and poverty, urban health, housing and community development, environmental sustainability.\
LAW 470 Clinical Legal Education
In this course, the students learn various topics of laws, human rights, democracy, and advocacy as well as teaching methodologies. Then students are required to pass on knowledge and skills learned in the class to various communities in Phnom Penh and surrounding provinces using clinical legal education methods. In this course, students also learn about the local community and its legal need; and how law and lawyers can address those needs.
LAW 431 Financial Law
This course aims to examine and discuss the fundamental concepts of financial law in the context of market developments in Cambodian and international financial markets. The course will also outline the basic legal principles and institutions being prerequisite for operation of markets and conduct of financial transactions, and how these principles and institutions apply and operate in practices. Major or exclusive focus of the course can be topics such as finance and banking laws, insurance law, security law, investment law, trade law, and other contemporary topics.
LAW 492 Consumer Protection
This course examines area of both public and private laws and regulations that oblige sellers and manufacturer in protection of consumers of both goods and services. Topics of discussion include consumer rights; fraud and deceptive practices; product standards, warranty and safety; obligation and remedies; and other emerging issues of consumer protection in the age of digital economy.
This course discusses laws and regulations that govern healthcare services and wellbeing. Topics covered in this course include health, ethics, and law; public health issues; regulatory framework for health professionals and facility; health professional-patient relationships, access to health care; privacy, confidentiality, and informed consent; medical mistakes and quality; negligence and liability; fraud and abuse; causation, defense, damages and settlement; health financing; and science, technology and health.
STAT 201 Introduction to Statistics and Its Applications
This course is designed for students who have never taken statistics before. We begin with the elementary concept of statistics, continue to descriptive statistics and end with inferential statistics. Students will learn how to present qualitative and quantitative data, both by using graphs and summary values. They also learn basic probability theory in order to understand the concept of inferential statistics. The two kinds of inferences, confidence intervals and test hypotheses are included at the end of the course.
ENGL 305 Professional Writing
This course is designed to reinforce undergraduates’ writing competency, and to improve their high-level writing proficiency demanded in business and other professions. The course enables students to use effective writing guidelines to write effective informal and formal letters for business at the work place; effective cover letters, CVs or résumés, and applications for successful job seeking; memos, faxes, and e-mails at work; winning proposals and effective short and long reports; advertisements, information leaflets and brochures. The students will also learn to fill up different forms, such as job application forms, visa application forms, and scholarship application forms. Learner-centered, cooperative, participatory and task-based approaches are highly recommended to reinforce and enhance students’ learning efficiency and competency.
PHIL 215 Philosophy and Society
This course is a textual reflection on philosophy designed to acquaint the student with the importance of philosophy in society. It involves students in the study of both theoretical and practical approaches to building positive human values and character to contribute to a “good society”.
KHMR 110 Khmer Studies
Khmer Studies enables students to learn about the origins of culture and civilization of each race, which had settled on our land, and to acquire Austro-Asian culture that is the primitive Khmer culture before the arrival of foreign cultures. Likewise, we can learn about the evaluation of Khmer culture from one era to another such as Pre-history, Norkor Phnom (Funan) era, Chenla era, Angkor era, Post-Angkor as well as present society. Moreover, Khmer Studies also focuses on the early beliefs, superstitions, and religions in which Khmer believed and practiced in various historical ages. Also, Khmer Studies is about arts, languages, literature, customs, traditions and creativities of the Khmer people. In addition, Khmer Studies enables students to be well aware of the Khmer cultural values and civilization. Consequently, students will love, nurture and defend their country, races, culture and civilization and national identities in order to benefit Cambodian people as a whole.
PAF 489 Senior Project and Defense
Senior Project is required for students with a GPA of 3.50 or above who wish to graduate with Honor after earning 123 credits. Students shall get prior approval from DAA before they can begin their research and writing. The Senior Project is a group or individual project written by two to five (2 to 5) students under supervision of a faculty member and defended before a Senior Project Defense Committee. The maximum period for the Senior Project writing is 6 months; and students are expected to follow the senior project writing and defense guideline
PAF 489 Internship Report
This internship includes at both public and private institutions relevant to the studies of public affairs. Students who choose to do an internship are required to spend 100 hours at the selected internship places approved by the Faculty of Law and Public Affairs. After completion of an internship, students are required to write an internship report, which is approved by a field supervisor and a professor of the Faculty of Law and Public Affairs and present before the Graduation Committee.
PAF 489 Exit Exam
Exit Exam is the last resort for graduation and it is allowed when there is an approval from the top management of PUC and applied only for backlog case only. Students allowed to take exit exam are required to join the review classes arrange by DAA to prepar
[1] Equivalent to LAW 102: Basic Legal Concepts
[2] Equivalent to course COMP 110: Introduction to Computer or ICTL 110: ICT Skills for Legal Studies
[3] Equivalent to course HIST 230: History of Cambodia
[4] Equivalent to course ARIL 210: Academic Research and Information Literacy
[5] Equivalent to LAW 101: Introduction to Law
[6] Formerly LAW 220: Cambodian Constitution
[7] Equivalent to LAW 260: Administrative Law
[8] Equivalent to course ECON 310: Introduction to Economics and Entrepreneurship
[9] Equivalent to SOC329: Research Methods in Social Sciences
[10] Equivalent to PHIL 212: Introduction to Ethics
[11] Equivalent to MGT 466: Management and Leadership Development Skills
[12] Equivalent to POL 419: Public Policy Analysis
[13] Equivalent to ECON 425: Principles of Public Finance
[14] Equivalent to PSYC 322: Introduction to Social Psychology
Type: | Higher Education |
Faculty: | Law |
Department: | Administrative Law |
Degree: | Bachelor of Arts |
Major: | Public Affairs |
Duration: | 4 years |
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