
Bachelor Degree


The B.A. in Psychology is an academic program providing the educational foundation for an academic and/or professional career in various occupations. The psychology program is based on national and international standards of the Cambodian National Qualifications Framework of Higher Education (CNQF 2014) and guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoeYS), Department of Higher Education (DHE 2018). Different to our BA programs in International Relations and Political Science, the BA program in Psychology remains in an infant state. Over the past decade, no students have enrolled for this program and currently only one student is active. Also, the faculty does lack the human resources to make the program more popular. Currently we have only two faculty members with a higher degree in Psychology. In this context, our faculty currently provides only general course descriptions for this program as outlined in this report, although course syllabi for interdisciplinary SSIR courses of this program are provided.

The Psychology program aims to facilitate our student’s academic and professional careers in various occupations. Psychology graduates will have a sound educational foundation to succeed in an academic and/or professional career. Graduates master basic concepts in their field of study, are familiar with basic research methods and their application, demonstrate proficiency in academic writing and speaking, are open-minded, tolerant and self- and socially responsible. They deal pro-actively with issues arising from their functions as citizens, members of society, and employees or supervisors. They act in the interests of Cambodia and the relevant stakeholders in society, for the continued development of their country. Psychology graduates will be well aware and knowledgeable about maintaining and promoting constructive and peaceful social relations.

Major: Psychology

Year One: Foundation Year Courses

Course Code

Course Title



POL 101

Introduction to Political Science  



ANTH 102

Cultural Anthropology



NATS 102

Environmental Science



COMP 110

Introduction to Computers



ENGL 110

English I: Reading and Composition



KHMR 110

Khmer Studies



SOC 110

Gender Studies



ENGL 120

English II: Reading and Composition



Oriented Courses by Faculty Requirements

Course Code

Course Title



POL 102 

Introduction to Academic Writing for SSIR



POL 110

Principles of Democratic Governance







Year Two: Functional Skills Courses

Course Code

Course Title



HFT 201

Health Education and Fitness



MATH 201

College Algebra



ARIL 210

Academic Research: Information Literacy



PHIL 210

Logic and Critical Thinking



PHIL 212

Introduction to Ethics



PSYC 212

Personal Growth and Development  




Principles of Psychology



LAW 101

Introduction to Law`



COM 222

Introduction to Social Psychology



Institutional Skills Courses

Course Code

Course Title



POL 202

ASEAN Government, Politics and Economics



HIST 230

History of Cambodia








Elective Courses



Course Code

Course Title



COM 250

Digital Media and Society (substitutes COM 222)



POL 200

Cambodian Constitution (substitutes LAW 101)



POL 203

Management Principles (substitutes COM 222)                   



Year Three: Basic Major Courses

Course Code

Course Title



SOC 305 

Social Change in Modern Society



IR 307

Political History



PHIL 310

World Philosophy



POL 305

Human Rights and World Politics



PSYC 321

History of Psychology



COM 320

Organizational Communication and Dispute Resolution



PSYC 329

Psychology of Motivation



SOC 329

 Research Methods in Social Sciences



PSYC 330

Introduction to Psychotherapy



SOC 330

Comparative Perspectives on Asian and Western Societies



MGT 360

Management and Organizational Behaviour Theory








Elective Courses



Course Code

Course Title



STAT 201

Introduction to Statistics and Its Applications (substitutes POL 305)                                      



IR 300 

SSIR Practicum (substitutes POL 305)



Year Four: Major Courses

Course Code

Course Title



PSYC 423                        

Cognitive Psychology



PSYC 424

Developmental Psychology



PSYC 425

Abnormal Psychology



PSYC 426

Personality Theory



PSYC 427

Psychological Testing



PSYC 428

Research Methods in Psychology



PSYC 429 

Methods of Psychotherapy



PSYC 436          

Community Psychology



PSYC 437 

Counselling with Disempowered, Depressed,                                                                              

 and Victimized Clients



SOC 435

Gender, Power, Equality and Violence








Elective Courses



Course Code

Course Title



COM 427

Contemporary Social Problems (substitutes SOC 435)



NATS 413

 Environment and Sustainable Development



Graduation Paths       

Course Code

 Course Title



PSCY 489

Senior Project, Internship Report or Exit Exam











Course Description

POL 101          Introduction to Political Science

This course has been designed to give students general knowledge in politics and a basic introduction to the academic discipline known as political science. The instructor has decided to take a very quick approach to the topic: the material covered in the class will be very broad but not very deep in the hope that it will create an understanding of the most basic issues of political science. This course is also intended to demonstrate some of the reasons why people study political science outside the classroom and help the students understand their society better.

ANTH 102      Cultural Anthropology

This course is designed as part of the general studies that any undergraduate student has to fulfill before going on for a specific major course. This course is designed to investigate the impact of culture on our everyday living and decision-making, both locally and globally. This course deals with basic concepts of the study of humans, past and present, with emphasis on their differing cultures. The course entails the students not only to learn conceptual information but also to apply it in problem solving, case studies and class debates.

NATS 102        Environmental Science

This is a non-lab science course that is part of the general studies. Any undergraduate student has to complete it in order to go to their specific majors. This course examines the complex interaction between human being and their environment. Some fundamental concepts of environmental science are presented to students in order to make them environmentally aware about vital issues like conservation of natural resources, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid growth of human population coupled with technology causing major environmental problems. Emphasis is given to promote sustainable concepts and to enable students to make informed choices regarding their environment. This course is designed to make students understand theories and integrate them into practical applications through real world situation observations, consequentially allowing them to establish cause and effect relationship through impact assessment projects.

COMP 110      Introduction to Computers

This course is one of the general courses in the FY program required by PUC to familiarize students with the use of computer as an efficient tool for their study and work. It is designed to provide non-IT students an overview of how computer system has been developed the fundamental concepts and terminologies of computer systems, knowledge of basic computer hardware and software, and the teach students how to assemble computer, install software, and computer troubleshooting. There are 2 Lab-sessions, which equal to 3 hours for students to practice computer assembling and software installation. Student will learn what computer components are, implication of information technology, and basic troubleshooting knowledge.

ENGL 110       English I: Reading and Composition

The course, a foundation level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will be guided through a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, and research and organization methods required for writing paragraphs.

KHMR 110    Khmer Studies

Khmer Studies enables students to learn about the origins of cultures and civilization of each race, which had settled on our land, and to acquire Austro-Asian culture that is the primitive Khmer culture before the arrival of foreign cultures. Likewise, we can learn about the evaluation of Khmer culture from one era to another such as Pre-history, Norkor Phnom (Funan) era, Chenla era, Angkor era, Post-Angkor as well as present society. Moreover, Khmer Studies also focuses on the early beliefs, superstitions, and religions in which Khmer believed and practiced in various historical ages. Also, Khmer Studies is about arts, languages, literature, customs, traditions and creativities of the Khmer people. In addition, Khmer Studies enables student to be well aware of the Khmer cultural values and civilization Consequently, students will love, nurture and defend their country, races, culture and civilization and national identities in order to benefit Cambodia people as a whole. 

SOC 110          Gender Studies

This course is the introduction to Gender Studies/Women’s Studies. Given the comprehensiveness and diversity of the overall subject area, this course will provide an introduction to and critical engagement with several specific areas of inquiry that make up Gender Studies/Women’s studies.

ENGL 120       English II: Reading and Composition

The course, an intermediate level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice – particularly the essay, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will utilize a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, documentation and organization methods required for writing term papers.

POL 102          Introduction to Academic Writing for SSIR

This course introduces students how to write academic papers and to do basic research in libraries and internet. The course provides basics on how to develop concepts, research questions, summarize information without plagiarizing, to cite properly and how to write introductions and conclusions for academic papers.

PSYC 120        Introduction to Psychology

This course introduces into the study of psychology and the subject areas covered.

HFT 201          Health Education and Fitness

Health Education course will introduce students to basic knowledge on health education, health behavior, reproductive health, tropical diseases, sexual transmitted diseases, chronic disease, alcohol, tobacco, and domestic violence will be imparted. With this knowledge, students will have opportunity to explore the concept of health education / health promotion and health determinant factors affecting to public health.

MATH 201      College Algebra

Algebra provides materials in basic mathematics for general need in related fields such as economics, business, social science, law and so on. The topics will be covered: basic algebra operations, equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and systems of equations and inequalities. All the topics are accompanied by applications in order to get the students to know the real use of mathematics.

ARIL 210        Academic Research: Information Literacy

The goal of this course is to instill students with information literacy (IL) skills. By the end of the course, it is expected that students will be able to “locate, evaluate and use” information of any type, in any media effectively. Moreover, IL will enable students to communicate their work in a scholarly manner within academic ethic principles. They will understand what plagiarism is and will cite their sources properly when they use someone else’s ideas or work.

PHIL 210        Logic and Critical Thinking

Students will be introduced to the basic methods and principles of logic. Students will study and apply various methods to test arguments, and apply the principles of logic, through various exercises, puzzles, and problem solving, to develop critical thinking skills. Students will study assorted forms of false reasoning and examine possible applications of this study in academic and non-academic life.

PHIL 212        Introduction to Ethics

This course is an introduction to the subject of ethics.  We will examine the basic concepts and principles of ethical thought, including issues of morality and self-interest, right and wrong, actions, character, consequences, motive, and their relationship to issues of law, religion, and society.  We will also read and analyze writings by famous philosophers, thinkers, and leaders regarding ethics and the “good society”.

PSYC 212        Personal Growth and Development

Personal growth and development is part of the general studies required by PUC for the entire undergraduate program. Students in their third term must take this course. This course is designed to teach disciplinary, good behaviors, positive attitude, self-respect and self-confidence at the university as well as in the society. It will also teach study skills and time management for success in college as well as in life. Buddhist as well as western philosophy and thoughts are essential part of this course. Students can learn how to value life, develop virtues, molding themselves after great heroes. The way to obtain the “positive mental attitudes” is taught through this course.

SOC 213          Principles of Sociology                                                             

The course examines principal sociological concepts of social change, social order and stability, power, social inequality, social injustice, race, gender and ethnicity, organizations, society and religion and the relationship between individual and society. The principal concepts are discussed along contemporary social developments.

PSYC 214        Principles of Psychology 

This course is meant to be an overview of the branches, techniques, methods, and key theories within the discipline of psychology. This class should give students a basic overview of the field of psychology and demonstrate the way in which empirical research creates a body of support for prominent theories.

POL 202          ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics

The course is designed to provide students with the fundamental understanding of the functional and institutional of ASEAN. Snapshots of facts and figure of ASEAN (country profile/ country bio-data) will be provided to students for familiarizing themselves with local government structure, economic trends, relevant policy and challenges. Country bio-data identifies the characteristics and personality of each national government and their respective interest in the Association. The complexity of regional politics and economics integration will be addressed to assess the institutional function of the Association. In this course covers such topics as (1) the structure of ASEAN national governments; (2) ASEAN Economic Trends-Agreements/Mechanisms (AIA, AFTA, Market and Monetary Procedure/Harmonization); (3) perspectives of ASEAN Countries: in term of economics, politics and security; (4) ASEAN Charter; (5) ASEAN Political Security Community; (6) ASEAN Economic Community; (7) ASEAN Social and Cultural Community; (8) Cambodia and ASEAN.

HIST 230        History of Cambodia

This is a social science course that students have to fulfill before going on to their specific major course. It will be a discussion of the civil war and its consequences especially the post dark period of year 1975-79 in Cambodia. There will also be a discussion of renovation and reform after the year 1993. The changes in Khmer culture, society and economics will be discussed based on general opinions and public media. Political structure, foreign policy, gender issues, human rights, rural development, and education are also included.

LAW 101         Introduction to Law

This course introduces students to 1) basic concepts of law and the role of law in the society; 2) law and customs; 3) law and moral, rules, and values; 4) law and its general classification; 5) law and its nature; 6) the world legal systems; 7) Khmer legal systems and its evolution; 8) the lawmaking processes and hierarchy of laws, amendment of law; 9) organization of law in society/in Cambodia, 10) law and dispute resolution.

POL 200          Political World History

The course elaborates on major political events in the past including the revolutions in GB, F and Russia and the US and the origins of the modern state system. In addition the course covers major political events in the 20th century including major political transitions and conflicts (WW II, Cold War, Colonialism, Decolonization, Democratization and Globalization) and the impacts these events and processes have on domestic and international political developments.

POL 203          Introduction to Political Economy

This course will provide a basic introduction into the essential of political economy, domestically as well as internationally, touching questions of economic development. A course to introduce students to the theories and consequences of economics, especially as it relates to political policies, income levels, currency value, and opportunities. Some of the topics covered will include Keynesian economics, supply-side economics, inflation, deflation, inflationary pressures, currency value, etc.

PAD 207          Introduction to Public Policy and Administration

The study of public policy and pubic administration has become more important and complex in recent years. This course aims at providing students with basic concepts of public policy making process with a bunch of theories that have been widely used to understand the behaviors of both politicians and bureaucracy. Since there are several models available in the study of public policy, this course will adopt the cycle approach to look into the policy process, because this model is simple, step-by-step and practical in analyzing public policy. When public policies are made, it requires the government institutions and public servants to implement. For a long time, we always assume that implementation was static and predictable, but recently we have learned that problems of implementation are also part of policy failure. The second part of this course will focus on public administration, which consists of traditional model of public administration and new public management.

SOC 305          Social Change in Modern Society

Change and progress are inevitabilities of the world. What have been some of the most important social changes that have helped create the world in which we currently live? There are various mechanisms which continue to play an important influencing how the world change such as technology, fertility, social movements, political ideology, culture, and religion. The interplay among these various forces will be examined. By the end of this course, students should have a good grasp on the ways in which the world has changed over the past millennium, what factors propel this change, and what these forces mean for the direction of the future.

PHIL 310        World Philosophy

This course will familiarize students with the major disciplines in world philosophy, in particular political philosophy, moral philosophy, philosophy of religion, aesthetics, and Eastern and Continental European philosophy.

 PSYC 321        History of Psychology

This course examines the history of psychology. This covers the evolution of psychology from speculation to science, the middle ages, the beginnings of science, empiricism, sensationalism, positivism, and rationalism, romanticism, existentialism, and the rise of experimental psychology. Early approaches to psychology and the Darwinian influence, functionalism and behaviorism, neo-behaviorism and Gestalt psychology, early approaches to mental illness and psychoanalysis and early alternatives to psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology.

PSYC 322        Introduction to Social Psychology

This course introduces undergraduate students to some of the theories, research, and applications of social psychology. Social psychology is an interdisciplinary domain that bridges the gap between psychology and sociology.  Social psychology can useful for students who want to have a deeper understanding of marketing principles, conformity, self-concepts, prejudice, group dynamics, and crowd violence. It is hoped that through this course students will have a better understanding of why people act as they do in various social situations. The course can also help students raise their awareness of their attitudes, self-concept, prejudices, and social behavior.

PSYC 329        Psychology of Motivation 

An important area of psychology understands human behavior, specifically what pushes individuals to choose a given course of action over another? Why are some people driven to work hard to succeed, while others hope for good fortune? This course will examine various theories which attempt to explain human motivation including Instinct Theory (all animals have inborn instincts which guide behavior), Drive Reduction Theory (people simply seek to satisfy emerging demands), Arousal Theory (people require a certain amount of arousal to remain happy), Psychoanalytic Theory (people seek to preserve themselves), Humanistic Theory (humans as complex creatures seek to actualize their potentials), and Operant Theory (humans want to be rewarded and avoid punishment). Additionally, students will learn about some important theories explaining human emotion.

SOC 329          Research Methods in Social Sciences

The course introduces into intermediate research methods in social science with emphasis on research methods in international relations. The course builds on the first and second year courses in academic writing and information literacy introducing students to conventional and unconventional research methods in social sciences in order to prepare them for senior projects as well as employment in research projects conducted by PUC or other institutions.

PSYC 330        Introduction to Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy involves treating emotional health issues through guidance, counselling, listening, or behavioral modalities (having clients practice breathing, doing assignments, keeping a diary, etc). This course will first orient students about what mental illness and emotional difficulties are. Next, students will understand how talking therapies or counselling can bring about healing based on both theory and previous research. Students will be expected to show competency in active listening.

SOC 330          Comparative Perspectives on Asian and Western Societies

The course elaborates on contemporary social, economic and political developments in Western and Asian societies. Sociological theories are elaborated on their usefulness to explain social transformations in Western and Asian societies.  Social developments in Asia and Western societies are compared.

MGT 360        Management and Organization Behavior Theory

This course will provide you with an overview of management functions and processes in business organizations.   Special emphasis will be placed on the behavioral aspects of individuals and groups in the organization.

STAT 201        Introduction to Statistics & Its Application

This course is designed for students who have never taken statistics before. We begin with the elementary concept of statistics, continue to descriptive statistics and end with inferential statistics. Students will learn how to present qualitative and quantitative data, both by using graphs and summary values. They also learn basic probability theory in order to understand the concept of inferential statistics. The two kinds of inferences, confidence intervals and test hypotheses are included at the end of the course.

IR 300             SSIR Practicum

This is an experience where students will work in an organization/government to gain some insight into demands of work with a social science career. Students will be required to write an 8 to 10-page paper talking about their reflections and tying in the work they did to the theories they have learned in the classroom.

POL 305          Human Rights and World Politics

The course provides an exhaustive discussion of the concept of human rights, then compares and contrasts the status of such rights in various systems of the world, and finally examines the impact of this concept on foreign policy and international relations. In the implementation of the course detailed analysis of institutions promoting human rights will be provided.

PSYC 312        Political Psychology

In this class the student will first understand about various psychological theories to better understand political leadership personality styles (i.e. authoritarian personality). The second portion of this class is looking at social psychological theories which explain people’s behaviors when they are in groups, such as groupthink, conformity, and obedience to authority. An important of people’s behavior is related to social cognition, social influences, and social relations factors. The last portion of this class will look at the behavior and attitudes of people with regard to their political activities and views – nationalism, racism, voting, terrorism, protesting, etc.

SOC 320          Organizations and Social Institutions

The course introduces into the field of organizational sociology, explaining the roles of social organizations and institutions in society. The course elaborates on different forms of social organizations including government and non-governmental organizations and organizational theories.

PSYC 423        Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology focusing on mental processes, including how people think, perceive, remember and learn. Since it is our brain that processes everything we know and enables us to learn, it is important to know how this tool actually works. By understanding how one learns, remembers, or perceives, it is then possible to enhance learning techniques (i.e. mnemonic devices), understand prejudice, predict what things we can reasonably recall, or improve decision making. This branch looks at unseen phenomenon, but takes a very scientific approach to finding answers. How does mood or culture affect the storage or interpretation of information? Can changing one’s thoughts reasonably be expected to eliminate mental illness or addictive behaviors? To unravel the mysteries of the brain can allow one to better understand human behavior and to devise ways to alter individual or group actions.

PSYC 424        Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychology examines how people grow and change over the course of their lives. For a developmental psychologist, people are not stagnant beings. Instead, humans progress through fairly predictable stages which affect their behavior, feelings, and thinking. A majority of developmental psychological theories involve stages – transformations that people make over time which alter the way they behave.  Students will study the developmental theories of Maslow (Hierarchy of Needs), Freud (Psychosexual Development), Erikson (Psychosocial Development), Piaget (Cognitive Development), Kubler-Ross (Death and Grieving), and Kohlberg (Moral Development). Through a better understanding of development, psychologists can better anticipate, treat, and understand many of life’s problems and ensuing mental health issues.

PSYC 425        Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal psychology focuses on the understanding, identification, and treatment of people with varying degrees of mental health problems. To understand what is abnormal, one must first figure out what is normal. After looking at various characteristics which define abnormality, students will become familiar with mental illness. Specifically students will learn about psychotic disorders (where people lose touch with reality), substance-related disorders (i.e. heroin or alcohol addiction), mood disorders (depression), anxiety disorders (panic), disorders found in infancy (mental retardation), disorders associated with aging (dementia), sleep disorders, sexual disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders. Students will be exposed to various theories which seek to explain these mental health problems as well as various treatment approaches.

PSYC 426        Personality Theory

Personality is the unique pattern of behavior, thinking, and feeling that makes each of us who we are. Personality can best be understood by realizing that we each interpret a given situation in a different way and then tend to react and feel in a given way. Some people are secretive and suspicious while others are buoyant and outgoing. The course will cover topics including - DSM-IV, Myers-Briggs Typology, Hans Eysenks’s Three-Trait Model, Allprort’s Dispositional Perspective, the Big Five,  major theories explaining development (including Erikson, Freud, Horney, and Adler), the categorization of personality, Personality Dimensions, and Murray’s Theory of Psychogenic Needs. Personality is often the least understood aspect of psychology, but often the most critical when attempting to understand human behavior and mental illness.

PSYC 427        Psychological Testing

This course will introduce students into the rationale, design, theory, and interpretation of psychological tests. Psychological testing is done to better diagnose or understand and treat or guide individuals in settings as diverse as schools, psychiatric hospitals, or business, or human resource departments. Psychological tests can be divided into two types – intellectual and personality. Students will learn about some of the major cognitive ability tests (Stanford-Binet, Wechsler Intelligence Scale) and personality diagnostic tests (MMPI, Rorschach, Thematic Appreciation Test, House-Tree-Person). Some others tests such as career, aptitude, and interest inventories will also be discussed as well as some basic quantitative and research concepts (i.e. standard deviation, mean, norming, and sampling).

PSYC 428        Research Methods in Psychology

This course is essential for students who wish to better understand how to interpret or conduct research in psychology. Students will become familiar with constructing a meaningful research hypothesis, conducting a literature review, summarizing existing articles, writing a paper using the American Psychological Association guidelines, using basic statistical methods, evaluating different data collection methods, and how to evaluate the results of a research project. This course will discuss some of the classic research papers from psychology. Students will be expected to do a small research project as a final project.

PSYC 429        Methods of Psychotherapy

Most of the course will spent exposing students to different modalities of treatment including Client-Centered, Cognitive, Gestalt, Psychodynamic, Systems, Reality Therapy, and Behavioral treatments as well as giving the rationale for their various approaches. Students will spend a sizable amount of their class time practicing various approaches with each other and understanding the therapeutic methods.

PSYC 436        Community Psychology

A course intended to give students a basic grounding in the basics of psychological research and practice that is focused on mental health issues that can be addressed through community outreach, program development, education and public service announcements, and creating better mental health hygiene for those people most at risk. 

NATS 413       Environment and Sustainable Development

The course is designed to raise the students awareness of the various socio-economic and technical issues involved in sustainable development, and to give a broad overview of the different areas of concern as expressed by practitioners.

SOC 435          Gender, Power, Equality and Violence

Historically women have been systematically treated in an inferior manner. This course will examine the reasons for this and what the consequences of this treatment are for women today. Gender is viewed as a social, historical, and cultural construction that has profound influences on the opportunities, education, acceptance, and political voice of women. Societal violence that is both condoned and not condoned will be discussed.

PSYC 437        Counselling with Disempowered, Depressed, and Victimized Clients

This course will give students a better understanding of the issues of those people who are disenfranchised and often lack resources or adequate supports. It is important to look at the etiology of depression and trauma and then develop an effective treatment plan that takes into account both psychological problems and sociological realities.

COM 450        Media in The Digital Age

This course explores the impact of citizen journalism, social networking sites, online video, mobile technology, and other aspects of new media on the media industry. The course also examines issues relating to digital journalism and business entrepreneurship in the rapidly evolving media marketplace, and the implications of changes in media for public affairs professionals.

ECON 468      Political Economy

Students will learn the concept and function of political economy, namely the interconnectivity of economics and politics, and on how this nexus affects government behavior, or policies. Students will also learn the practical lessons and theories of political economy that has profoundly impacted international politics and international relations. The course intends for students to grapple with the inter-relationship of the international financial institutions (IFIs) with society and the state as well as the global order. 

PSCY 489        Senior Project, Internship Report or Exit Exam



Higher Education


Social Sciences and International Relations


Social Sciences


Bachelor of Arts




4 years