February 1, 2025 2025-03-10 5:25History
Bachelor Degree
The B.A. in history explores the events of the past, the causes of historical change, how the past shapes the present, and how the past can teach lessons to create a brighter future. It examines how historical events in one region of the world can influence the present in another region, for example, how World War II contributes to poverty in Cambodia today.
The study of history develops the student’s skills in critical thinking, research, analysis, writing, and making persuasive arguments. These skills can be applied to jobs directly related to history, such as education or law, or outside the field. In addition, history majors may work in museums, archives, and libraries, helping to preserve historical documents and artifacts that teach others about the past.
Major: History
Year One: Foundation Year Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
POL 101 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 | Required |
ANTH 102 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | Required |
NATS 102 | Environmental Science | 3 | Required |
COMP 110 | Introduction to Computers | 3 | Required |
ENGL 110 | English I: Reading and Composition | 4 | Required |
KHMR 110 | Khmer Studies | 3 | Required |
SOC 110 | Gender Studies | 3 | Required |
ENGL 120 | English II: Reading and Composition | 3 | Required |
Oriented Courses by Faculty Requirements | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
HUM 110 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 | Required |
PHIL 115 | Philosophy and Society | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 31 | |
Year Two: Functional Skills Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
ACCT 110* | Accounting Principles | 3 | Required |
HFT 201 | Health Education and Fitness | 3 | Required |
MATH 201 | College Algebra | 3 | Required |
STAT 201 | Introduction to Statistics & Its Application | 3 | Required |
ARIL 210 | Academic Research: Information Literacy | 3 | Required |
COM 210 | Introduction to Communications and Mass Media | 3 | Required |
PHIL 210 | Logic and Critical Thinking | 3 | Required |
PHIL 212 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 | Required |
PSYC 212 | Personal Growth and Development | 3 | Required |
Institutional Skills Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
POL 202 | ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics | 3 | Required |
HIST 230 | History of Cambodia | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 33 |
Course Description
POL 101 Introduction to Political Science
This course has been designed to give students general knowledge in politics and a basic introduction to the academic discipline known as political science. The instructor has decided to take a very quick approach to the topic: the material covered in the class will be very broad but not very deep in the hope that it will create an understanding of the most basic issues of political science. This course is also intended to demonstrate some of the reasons why people study political science outside the classroom and help the students understand their society better.
ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology
This course is designed to investigate the impact of culture on everyday living and decision-making, both locally and globally. It presents basic concepts in cultural anthropology and applies them to various expressions of culture, such as languages, family structures, livelihoods, political systems, belief systems, and art.
NATS 102 Environmental Science
Significant increases in the world population along with technology advances in the manufacture of products corresponding to people’s demand, led to the over-exploration of nature resources. This brought environmental and other impacts, such as natural resources depletion, solid waste generation increment, ecosystem unbalancing, health and safety problems on human beings, etc. Similarly, Cambodia is also facing such problems. Hence, awareness in environmental issues contributing to environmental protection is in need to address. This course is designed to provide some fundamental concepts of environmental science in order to make students environmentally aware about vital issues like natural resources conservation, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid growth of human population coupled with technology causing major environmental problems. Emphasis is given to promote sustainable concepts and to enable students to make informed choices regarding their environment. Additionally, this course is introduced to make students understand theories and integrate them into practical applications through real world situation observations, consequentially allowing them to establish cause and effect relationship via impact assessment projects.
COMP 110 Introduction to Computers
This course is one of the general courses in the FY program required by PUC to familiarize students with the use of computer as an efficient tool for their study and work. It is designed to provide non-IT students an overview of how computer system has been developed the fundamental concepts and terminologies of computer systems, knowledge of basic computer hardware and software, and the teach students how to assemble computer, install software, and computer troubleshooting. There are 2 Lab-sessions, which equal to 3 hours for students to practice computer assembling and software installation. Students will learn what computer components are, implication of information technology, and basic troubleshooting knowledge.
ENGL 110 English I: Reading and Composition
The course, a foundation level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will be guided through a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, and research and organization methods required for writing paragraphs.
KHMR 110 Khmer Studies
Khmer Studies observes the evolution of Khmer culture from pre-history through the Angkorean period to contemporary society. It examines the arts, languages, literature, customs, traditions, and creations of the Khmer people. Students gain a sense of appreciation and love for the Khmer culture and a sense of pride, integrity, and national identity.
SOC 110 Gender Studies
This course is the introduction to Gender Studies/Women’s Studies. Given the comprehensiveness and diversity of the overall subject area, this course will provide an introduction to and critical engagement with several specific areas of inquiry that make up Gender Studies/Women’s studies.
ENGL 120 English II: Reading and Composition
The course, an intermediate level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice – particularly the essay, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will utilize a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, documentation and organization methods required for writing term papers.
HUM 110 Introduction to Humanities
This course will familiarize students with various aspects of the humanities, in particular, the history, literature, and philosophies of the ancient East and West, as well as contemporary aesthetic forms. Students will gain an appreciation for the plastic and performing arts.
ENBC 110 Practical English Language Development
This course focuses on students’ listening and speaking skills, while continuing to support reading and writing practice. The reading level of students will be assessed and a customized progression of graded readers assigned to each student. Students will read, summarize in writing, present, and discuss readings. In addition, students will view and discuss video clips to improve comprehension of English as spoken by different speakers.
MGT 110 Management Principles
This is an introductory course in management. Students will learn basic principles of organizational structure, behavior, and operations, including resource acquisition and management and supervision techniques to achieve organizational goals.
HFT 201 Health Education and Fitness
Health Education course will introduce students to basic knowledge on health education, health behavior, reproductive health, tropical diseases, sexual transmitted diseases, chronic disease, alcohol, tobacco, and domestic violence will be imparted. With this knowledge, students will have opportunity to explore the concept of health education / health promotion and health determinant factors affecting to public health.
ARIL 210 Academic Research: Information Literacy
Information Literacy (IL) is important to support learning in the 21st century. Students will learn effective tool to proactively engage in academic performance and nurture life-long learning. Without IL skills, students will get lost in a world of abundant information resources. IL skills will help students to identify where to find the right resources to meet their specific educational needs, present research findings, and avoid plagiarism.
ENBC 210 English Grammar for Business
This course provides a comprehensive review of English grammar rules and skills. Students develop their ability to identify and correct both written and spoken grammatical errors with teacher feedback and consistent grammar review. Forms of writing and verbal communication that are typically used in business, such as emails, memos, letters, written and verbal reports, and giving verbal instructions will be utilized for grammar practice.
COM 210 Introduction to Communications and Mass Media
This course is designed to introduce students to Communications: the ability to give and receive information quickly and effectively. The art of getting your message across effectively is a vital part of being a successful manager. It is also wise to note that communication is the foundation of leadership. This course provides foundations to improve communication skills.
PHIL 210 Logic and Critical Thinking
Students will be introduced to basic principles of logic. Students will study standards of critical thinking, benefits and barriers to critical thinking, and characteristics of critical thinkers. They will learn to analyze arguments and how to recognize logical fallacies.
ENBC 211 Interactive English Language Skills
This course aims to further improve students’ listening comprehension and language production skills through viewing and discussing a variety of audio-visual media, interactive exercises, and conversational practice. Emphasis will be placed on pronunciation and the development of vocabulary for general and business purposes. Prerequisite: ENBC 110.
PHIL 212 Introduction to Ethics
This course examines the basic concepts and principles of ethical thought, including issues of morality and self-interest, right and wrong, actions, character, consequences, motive, and their relationship to issues of law, religion, and society. Students will analyze writings by well-known philosophers regarding ethics and the “good society.”
PSYC 212 Personal Growth and Development
This course is designed to teach discipline, good behavior, positive attitude, self-respect, and self-confidence, as a member of the university and society. The course also teaches study skills and time management to help ensure students’ success in college and in life. Buddhist as well as Western philosophies and thought are both essential to this course. Students can learn to value life and develop virtue, shaping themselves after exemplary heroes.
POL 202 ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics
With the current trend and spirit of globalization, in which every citizen is a citizen of the world as one, joining partnership is critical. In this light, ASEAN has been formed. This course will examine the various systems, standards, and behaviors of both humans and institutions they create.
HIST 230 History of Cambodia
This course considers civil wars and their consequences, especially the dark period of 1975-1979 in Cambodia. Changes in Khmer culture, society, and economics will be discussed, as well as political structure, foreign policy, gender issues, human rights, rural development, and education. This course includes a community service-learning component, providing a chance for students to work and provide community service.
RESR 300 Fundamentals of Research and Academic Writing
This course introduces students to library research and knowledge of proper and standard referencing, including entry of bibliography (books, periodicals, journals, interviews, etc.), audiography, videography, and their annotations. It will allow students to look at exemplary writings, while they will learn to collect data, and analyze, and organize them into ideas and academic writing.
HIST 301 World Civilizations
This course seeks to understand the evolution of humankind and to have a glimpse at a broad view of the world as humans struggle for civilization from early times to the present. Students will study a selection of the world’s great civilizations.
HIST 321 Cambodian History I
This course is designed to introduce students to the Khmer culture and civilization, history and development, from the early times to the Angkor period. Specific examples of the Khmer struggles and achievements will be examined and discussed in class.
HIST 322 Western Civilization
This course is designed to provide students with a glimpse at the dominant Western civilization, starting with the ancient classical Greek and Roman all the way through the Renaissance and modern periods. Students will look at the effect and contribution of the West to world civilization. Selected examples will be brought to light for examination and discussion.
HIST 323 Second World War
This course is designed to introduce students to the events that led to and came out of the Second World War (1939-1945). It will also discuss those countries that were involved in the theater of war as well as its causes and effects.
HIST 324 History of Asian Civilization
This course is designed to introduce students to some of the great and exemplary civilizations of Asia. Factors that caused the development of those Asian civilizations will be critically examined and discussed.
HIST 325 Cambodian History II
This is the continuation of Cambodian History I, starting from the post-Angkor period to the present.
HIST 326 History of Europe I
This course pans across the whole of Europe’s past, from prehistory to the present. It concentrates on event-based history: on the principal political divisions, cultural movements, and socio-economic trends. Students will see that they, along with their ideas, questions, and aspirations, are not isolated but belong to history that began thousands of years ago, as man’s culture and civilization developed and evolved in history. The course will encourage students to consider and reflect critically upon the contributions of knowledge and values of history.
HIST 327 History of China
This course will bring to light the history and development, revolution and nationalism, as well as communism, of China. Students will engage in dialogues and discussions on the issues of social, cultural, and economic development of China from the ancient times to the present.
HIST 328 American History
This course will introduce students to the revolution, civil wars, and independence of the United States of America. Situations such as immigrants, nation among nations, life and institutions, governmental systems, education, and economy that make America so great will be critically examined and discussed.
POL 331 Chinese and Japanese Contemporary Studies
The concepts of interdisciplinary studies focus on the cultural and intellectual life of Chinese and Japanese. The students analyze the development in the Chinese and Japanese contemporary societies from several comparative perspectives: cultural, social, economic, and technological. Topics include culture and subcultures, differences and diversity, personality, educational system, literature, arts, social and behavioral sciences.
ENGL 411 Technical Writing for History
This course is designed for students who wish to improve their accuracy, appropriateness, and fluency in letter, essay, and thesis writing. Students review basic grammatical rules before they come to focus on writing. An emphasis of this course is the opportunity to practice writing. For individual advancement, students are regularly given research and writing homework assignments to complete.
HIST 342 History of Southeast Asia
This course will examine the history and issues of Southeast Asia. Students will have the opportunity to examine some of the ups and downs of historical events that fold and unfold within the past centuries. Students will also have the opportunity to discuss how these historical events can contribute to the overall understanding of past history and be ready to make changes necessary for the development and well-being of the present and future.
HIST 429 History of Japan
This course seeks to examine how the great people and nation of Japan can serve as good examples for the world to learn from. The course will examine Japan’s technological and economic development as a modern state as well as its traditional culture and civilization. Students will look at Japan’s nationalism, struggle, determination, integrity, and pride as one of the great powers of the world today.
HIST 441 Contemporary History of Asia
The course will familiarize students with various historical events, issues, concerns, and approaches to history of contemporary Asia societies. Tensions of political and economic controls and struggles, regional conflicts, reconciliation and cooperation are among the topics discussed in class.
HIST 430 History of Africa and African Civilizations
This course is designed to introduce students to the history and civilizations of Africa, from the early pre-history where man began his long journey to the present. It will also examine the life and institutions, struggles and revolutions, turmoil and peace of the various African nations.
HIST 431 Gandhi and the Indian Nationalist Movement
This course is offered to students to examine the recent history of India. Students will learn about the many events of struggles, revolutions, movements, conflicts, and reconciliations that led to the independence of India. The course will introduce students to the life and works of Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian statesman, intellectual, and leader of the Indian Nationalist Movement struggling for independence from the British during the mid-twentieth century.
HIST 432 History of Europe II
This is a continuation of History of Europe I, starting from the Renaissance to the present.
HIST 433 Revolution in World History
This course is designed specifically for students to be aware of the major revolutions in world history. Important revolutions in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas will be selected to present to students to examine and discuss.
HIST 445 Contemporary History of Southeast Asia
This course will examine contemporary history and issues of Southeast Asia. Students will have the opportunity to examine some of the ups and downs of contemporary historical events during the past decades. Students will also have the opportunity to discuss how these historical events can contribute to an overall understanding of past history and preparation of ourselves as we begin the twenty-first century and move forward in the globalized world.
ENGL 415 Creative Writing
This course is designed for students to have the opportunity to exercise and put their thoughts and ideas in writing. Students will be guided through some exemplary and academic writings, while producing their own critical papers. Their works will be shared, reviewed, constructively criticized, and discussed.
HIST 488 Research Topic in History
This course is designed to introduce students to the writing of history and the important factors and characteristics that constitute good history writing. It will allow students to do research on topics in history and practice their history writing skills.
HIST 489 Senior Project or Exit Exam
Student will carry out a written group project (individual project allowed if student has GPA of 3.5 or higher) that offers an evidence-based study of a topic relevant to the major subject.
Type: | Higher Education |
Faculty: | Arts and Letters |
Department: | Arts and Letters |
Degree: | Bachelor of Arts |
Major: | History |
Duration: | 4 years |
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