Environmental Science

Environmental Science

Bachelor Degree

Environmental Science

It is an obligation that institutions of higher education demonstrate the effectiveness of their academic programs in providing high-quality education that positively impacts the students. For this reason as well as to meet the national quality framework as per requirement of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport of Cambodia, the Faculty of Mathematics, Sciences, and Engineering (FMSE) of Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC) has been working tirelessly to keep providing the best quality of education to its students. Resultantly, the faculty and PUC as a whole has been widely recognized as one of the prestige educational centers in the country; likewise, internationally accepted. One of the important drivers contributing to this educational success is the academic program, which is designed to equip the students with essential knowledge and skills that allow them to stand on national and international career arena and shape their working attitude to prepare them to be the leader of the future. Basically, this academic program is developed by taking into account the principle concept of the outcome-based education system, which considered students ability to demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired during the program as the most significant learning outcomes, an important measure of program quality. Moreover, the program is also designed to create pathways for the students to pursue a further degree in relevant fields at high calibre institution both inside Cambodia and abroad.

B.Sc. in Environmental Science program is designed to build fundamental concepts of the environmental subjects by inculcating professional knowledge through high-quality class teaching, laboratory work and small-scale research work (senior project), so as to help and develop individuals become positive change agents, as well as problem solving-based decision makers and practitioners in relation to technological advance and innovation in the field of environment.  Specifics objective are described below:

  1. To enable the graduate to apply knowledge gained in the degree program effectively and efficiently
  2. To warrant that the graduate is well-rounded and competitive
  3. To ensure that the students are qualified for pursuing higher studies in any international university of high repute
  4. To break away from the follow-based job and step into decision making and practice-based career.  

Major: Environmental Science

Year One: Foundation Year Courses

Course code

Course title




Introduction to Political Science




Cultural Anthropology




Introduction to Environmental Science




English I:  Reading and Composition




Introduction to Computer




Khmer Studies




Gender Studies




English II: Reading and Composition



Oriented Courses by Faculty Requirements

    Course code

Course title




Introduction to biology




Chemistry I







Year Two: Functional Skills Courses

Course code

Course title




Health Education and Fitness




College Algebra




Introduction to Statistics and Its Applications




Academic Research: Information Literacy




Introduction to Ethics




Personal Growth and Development




General Ecology




Environment Geology



Institutional Skills Courses

Course code

Course title




History of Cambodia







Year Three: Basic Major Courses

Course code

Course title




Principles of Biology +Lab




Chemistry-II + Lab




Environmental Dynamics/Physical process




Environmental Pollution & Management +Site visit




Introduction to Environmental Economics




Introduction to Environmental Law




Geographic Information System-I 




Statistics for Science & Engineering  




Electives courses









Year Four: Major Courses

Course code

Course title




Environmental Field Techniques and Applications




Environmental Impact Assessment & Sustainable Development +Site Visit




Natural Resource Management




Climate Change




Research Methods in Science & Engineering




Elective courses








Graduation Path (3 credit)

Course code

Course title



NATS 489

Senior Project or Exit Exam











List of Elective Courses

Elective courses are designed to give students an opportunity to deepen their knowledge on various sub-disciplines of environmental studies upon their interests, and as a pathway for them to pursue their graduate study in a more specific area. Forty-five electives courses focused on five different sub-disciplines (including Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Management, Pollution Management and Environmental Remediation, Energy and Sustainability, Public health and Development, and Environmental and Policy) are offered under this program.


  • Only 21 credit of elective course is required, but the student can take as many courses as they want
  • Selection of elective courses must be done with approval of academic supervisor or head of department in case specific advisor is not yet assigned

Specialized field

Course code

Course title



Global Elective courses

NATS 310

Environment and Sustainability (None)


NATS 311

Geographic Information System-II   (NATS 304)


NATS 312

Environmental Ethics, Policy & Planning (NATS 302)


NATS 410

Environmental Governance (None)


NATS 411

Environmental spatial analysis (NATS 304)





Specialized I:  Biodiversity conservation/ Natural resource management

NATS 321

Wetland Ecology  (None)


NATS 322

Taxonomy of Flora & Fauna +Lab (None)



Forest Ecology+ Site visit



Invertebrate Zoology+ Lab



Vertebrate Zoology Lab



Marine Biology



Environmental conservation



Integrated Water Resource Management



Introduction to Integrated Natural Resource Management



Integrated Coastal Management



Freshwater Ecology & Management + Lab



Forest Inventory




Specialized II:   Pollution management-Environmental remediation


Environmental Chemistry Laboratory



Air Pollution



Water Pollution



Solid Waste Management



Introduction to Industrial Waste Management



Fate and Transport of Pollutant



Environmental quality management



Cambodia Environmental Pollution and Control




Specialized III:   Energy and sustainability


Introduction to Energy economics and environment



Introduction to Energy Policy and Sustainability



Introduction to Cleaner Production



Introduction to Resource Recovery



Sustainable Energy Technologies: Solar, Wind, Biomass



Energy & Environment+ Site visit




Specialized IV:  Public health and Development



Poverty and social issues



Environmental Justice



Introduction to Environmental Health Science



Population Dynamics and Environment



Public Health Microbiology



Introduction to Environmental Toxicology



Environmental Communication





Specialized V: Environmental law and policy


Political Economy



International Organization



Economic Development



Global Environmental Politic



Fundamentals of Environmental Economic and Policy



Environmental Law & Management



Climate Policy-Past, Present and Future



Course Description

POL 101          Introduction to Political Science

This course has been designed to give students general knowledge in politics and a basic introduction to the academic discipline known as political science. The instructor has decided to take a very quick approach to the topic: the material covered in the class will be very broad but not very deep in the hope that it will create an understanding of the most basic issues of political science. This course is also intended to demonstrate some of the reasons why people study political science outside the classroom and help the students understand their society better.

 ANTH 102      Cultural Anthropology

This course is designed as part of the general studies that any undergraduate student has to fulfill before going on for a specific major course. This course is designed to investigate the impact of culture on our everyday living and decision-making, both locally and globally. This course deals with basic concepts of the study of humans, past and present, with emphasis on their differing cultures. The course entails the students not only to learn conceptual information but also to apply it in problem solving, case studies and class debates.

 NATS 102        Environmental Science

This is a non-lab science course that is part of the general studies. Any undergraduate student has to complete it in order to go to their specific majors. This course examines the complex interaction between human being and their environment. Some fundamental concepts of environmental science are presented to students in order to make them environmentally aware about vital issues like conservation of natural resources, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid growth of human population coupled with technology causing major environmental problems. Emphasis is given to promote sustainable concepts and to enable students to make informed choices regarding their environment. This course is designed to make students understand theories and integrate them into practical applications through real world situation observations, consequentially allowing them to establish cause and effect relationship through impact assessment projects.

 COMP 110      Introduction to Computers

This course is one of the general courses in the FY program required by PUC to familiarize students with the use of computer as an efficient tool for their study and work. It is designed to provide non-IT students an overview of how computer system has been developed the fundamental concepts and terminologies of computer systems, knowledge of basic computer hardware and software, and the teach students how to assemble computer, install software, and computer troubleshooting. There are 2 Lab-sessions, which equal to 3 hours for students to practice computer assembling and software installation. Student will learn what computer components are, implication of information technology, and basic troubleshooting knowledge.

 ENGL 110       English I: Reading and Composition

The course, a foundation level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will be guided through a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, and research and organization methods required for writing paragraphs.

 KHMR 110    Khmer Studies

Khmer Studies enables students to learn about the origins of cultures and civilization of each race, which had settled on our land, and to acquire Austro-Asian culture that is the primitive Khmer culture before the arrival of foreign cultures. Likewise, we can learn about the evaluation of Khmer culture from one era to another such as Pre-history, Norkor Phnom (Funan) era, Chenla era, Angkor era, Post-Angkor as well as present society. Moreover, Khmer Studies also focuses on the early beliefs, superstitions, and religions in which Khmer believed and practiced in various historical ages. Also, Khmer Studies is about arts, languages, literature, customs, traditions and creativities of the Khmer people. In addition, Khmer Studies enables student to be well aware of the Khmer cultural values and civilization Consequently, students will love, nurture and defend their country, races, culture and civilization and national identities in order to benefit Cambodia people as a whole. 

 SOC 110          Gender Studies

This course is the introduction to Gender Studies/Women’s Studies. Given the comprehensiveness and diversity of the overall subject area, this course will provide an introduction to and critical engagement with several specific areas of inquiry that make up Gender Studies/Women’s studies.

 ENGL 120       English II: Reading and Composition

The course, an intermediate level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice – particularly the essay, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will utilize a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, documentation and organization methods required for writing term papers.

 BIO 101          Introduction to Biology

This is a required course for all students in “science” major. In this course, the basic concepts of cell and molecular biology, and chemistry background for the molecules from which we are all constructed will be emphasized. A survey of physiological systems and brief overview of nutrition, heredity, diversity of organisms, and environmental biology will be presented. This course is for both major and non-major biology students. It is also recommended as a first college course for those who plan to transfer in sciences field.

 CHEM 101      Chemistry-I + Lab

The fundamental knowledge of Chemistry and chemical process is a key role to deeply understand in environmental science. It illustrates students the atoms, molecules, ions, matters, compounds, and their structures in the nature. The course covers chemical reactions and the equilibrium. The nuclear chemistry reinforces students’ understanding on the transition of elements and how determines the age of matters. At least, some experiments are conducted so that students can comprehend more clearly. 

 HFT 201          Health Education and Fitness

Health Education course will introduce students to basic knowledge on health education, health behavior, reproductive health, tropical diseases, sexual transmitted diseases, chronic disease, alcohol, tobacco, and domestic violence will be imparted. With this knowledge, students will have opportunity to explore the concept of health education / health promotion and health determinant factors affecting to public health.

 MATH 201      College Algebra

Students learn the basic algebraic operations: basic properties of the set of real numbers, basic Operations and factoring of polynomial, integer exponents, rational exponents and radical. The course examines several fundamental concept of equations and inequalities, roots of equation as real numbers, complex number, roots of equation as complex numbers. The course also includes the topics of function and its graph representation, combining functions, inverse functions, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, the solution of exponential and logarithmic equations.

 STAT 301        Introduction to Statistics and Its Application

This course is designed for students who have never taken statistics before. We begin with the elementary concept of statistics, continue to descriptive statistics and end with inferential statistics. Students will learn how to present qualitative and quantitative data, both by using graphs and summary values. They also learn basic probability theory in order to understand the concept of inferential statistics. The two kinds of inferences, confidence intervals and test hypotheses are included at the end of the course.

 ARIL 210        Academic Research: Information Literacy

The goal of this course is to instill students with information literacy (IL) skills. By the end of the course, it is expected that students will be able to “locate, evaluate and use” information of any type, in any media effectively. Moreover, IL will enable students to communicate their work in a scholarly manner within academic ethic principles. They will understand what plagiarism is and will cite their sources properly when they use someone else’s ideas or work.

 PHIL 210        Logic and Critical Thinking

Students will be introduced to the basic methods and principles of logic. Students will study and apply various methods to test arguments, and apply the principles of logic, through various exercises, puzzles, and problem solving, to develop critical thinking skills. Students will study assorted forms of false reasoning and examine possible applications of this study in academic and non-academic life.

 PHIL 212        Introduction to Ethics

This course is an introduction to the subject of ethics.  We will examine the basic concepts and principles of ethical thought, including issues of morality and self-interest, right and wrong, actions, character, consequences, motive, and their relationship to issues of law, religion, and society.  We will also read and analyze writings by famous philosophers, thinkers, and leaders regarding ethics and the “good society”.

 PSYC 212        Personal Growth and Development

Personal growth and development is part of the general studies required by PUC for the entire undergraduate program. Students in their third term must take this course.  This course is designed to teach disciplinary, good behaviors, positive attitude, self-respect and self-confidence at the university as well as in the society. It will also teach study skills and time management for success in college as well as in life. Buddhist as well as western philosophy and thoughts are essential part of this course. Students can learn how to value life, develop virtues, molding themselves after great heroes. The way to obtain the “positive mental attitudes” is taught through this course.

 BIO 201           General Ecology

A course in General Ecology is designed to provide a balanced and organized overview of the concepts of ecology in a robust framework. Both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) elements of the environment that influence the distribution and abundance of organisms are examined. Population, community, and ecosystem level ecology are discussed, especially in light of man’s influence on nature and nature’s influence on man. Both theoretical & applied ecology would be explained to students through manageable assimilatory presentations on physiological, behavioral adaptation of organisms to their environment. They would be familiar with estimation methods & determination of population dispersion methods & intra-interspecific associations. They would be able to analyze community structures.

NATS 201         Environment Geology

This subject introduces students to natural environment and the human interactions and everyday problems with our environment and global community from a geological perspective. Topics to be covered will include: Earth Materials (Rock & minerals) and Structure (Plate Tectonics), Environmental Hazards such as Floods and Earthquakes, Pollution of the Environment, Waste Disposal, Natural Resources, Energy Sources and their exploitation, Global Climate Change, Geology, Environmental Health & future.

HIST 230         History of Cambodia

This is a social science course that students have to fulfill before going on to their specific major courses.  It discusses civil wars and their consequences, especially, the post dark period of the years 1975-1979 in Cambodia.  There will also be discussions of renovation and reform after the year 1993.  Changes in Khmer culture, society, and economics will be discussed based on personal and general opinions as well as public media.  Political structure, foreign policy, gender issues, human rights, rural development, and education will also be examined.  In addition, this course includes the community-learning programs that provide chances for students to work and provide community services.  This project is for students to understand and learn about the community, its historical concept and its needs.

BIO 301           Principles of Biology +Lab 

This is a core course in biology to make students gain information on organisms similar to themselves so that they can compare the development pattern in the animal kingdom. This course introduces students to the organization of living systems, energy transfer, and continuity of life, biodiversity, and classification of living things. The topics include: biological history; structure and functions of cells and cellular organelles; cell division; general biochemistry; cellular respiration; photosynthesis; Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) structure and function; protein synthesis; heredity; evolution; animal development; classification; introductions to viruses, prokaryotes, Protista, and Fungi. The course has both a lecture and some laboratory component which provides students comparative aspect of physiological & biochemistry of all animal processes.

Pre-requisite: BIO101

 CHEM 301      Chemistry-II + Lab

The course, organic chemistry, is the continuous course of chemistry 1 (inorganic chemistry). It is the fundamental science based on the study of the compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. These elements make up all kinds of the organic compounds on the earth and for all living systems. The cycles of these organic compounds occurring in the nature allow a stabilization of the planet.

 NATS 301           Environmental Dynamics/Physical process

This course is designed to introduce the basic knowledge about the dynamic of environmental change and the complex interactions between natural systems and human activities. The lectures will focus on environmental changes due to physical process causing by human activities, natural phenomena and feedback process. The physical change in recent earth history and various case studies will be explored to provide students a comprehensive understanding of these issues. 

 ECON 310       Economic Development

 This course aims to study theories of economic development and scrutinize empirical evidence in order to glean insights to design development policy. It will identify key features of the development process across countries, and develop an analytical framework grounded in economic theory, to better understand these patterns. It will then apply the national frameworks combined with rigorous empirical evidence to identify when and how public policies can enable economic growth and development.

 NATs 302           Environmental Pollution & Management +Site visit  

This course provides an introduction to pollution issues associated with toxicology and exposures to environmental contaminants, water quality and management, air quality, non-renewable resource use and wastes generated by human endeavors. It is basically designed to introduce students with fundamental principles of environmental pollution control and management. It first of all address on human population, then on human activities that negatively impact the environment we live in and how environmental scientists can mitigate these problems.

 NATS 303        Introduction to Environmental Economics

This course aims at equipping students the fundamental tools to analyze environmental problems from an economic viewpoint. It combines theoretical analysis with discussions on particular environmental policies as applied to energy, air, water pollution, climate change, and human health. It also analyzes why these problems exist and what can be done to minimize their impacts to society with respect to market failures and solution to those failures. Within these contexts, specific topics will be addressed are the concepts of sustainability, the problems of social costs, the microeconomic analysis of environmental regulation, and evaluating cost-benefit analysis of environmental improvements through some preferences such as travel cost method, hedonic analysis.

 LAW 420            Introduction to Environmental Law  

This course will provide students broad understanding of some necessary environmental statute and law. It is designed to introduce students the fascinating variety of essential environmental challenges with respect to environmental laws; the tough policy issues associated with environment concerns, and the legal complexities of administrative schemes and environmental regulatory. The study of Environmental law is greatly complex as it is difficult to give detailed review of all of the environmental statutes. Nevertheless, this course basically arms students with fundamentals of environmental law, namely Cambodia environmental law. The students will also develop some critical analytical and research skills which are transferable to various areas of environmental law.

 LAW 420         Environmental Law

This course will provide students broad understanding of some necessary environmental statute and law. It is designed to introduce students the fascinating variety of essential environmental challenges with respect to environmental laws; the tough policy issues associated with environmental concerns, and the legal complexities of administrative schemes and environmental regulatory.

The study of Environmental law is greatly complex as it is difficult to give detailed review of all of environmental statutes. Nevertheless, this course basically arms students with fundamentals of environmental law, namely Cambodian environmental law. Students will also develop some critical analytical and research skills which are transferable to various areas of environmental law.

 NATS 304           Geographic Information System-I

This course aims to provide student with the fundamental concepts of Geographic systems (GIS). It encompasses elements of GIS, analysis of spatial information, real-world applications, map creation and analysis. Basic level of interactive GIS application will be introduced. 

  STAT 385           Statistics for Science & Engineering  

Statistics for Science & Engineering is an advanced course in statistics. This course will cover the topics: probability, random variables and probability distributions, sampling distributions, Test of hypothesis, simple linear regression and correlation, multiple linear regression, one factor experiments, factorial experiments and nonparametric statistics. It guides student how to collect, summarize and interpret data, in numerical and figure form, and to draw conclusions which would assist in decision-making in management and production on the constraint resources such as time, budget and facilities.

 NATS 411           Environmental Field Techniques and Applications 

This course is designed to provide student with hands-on experience of a wide range of contemporary environmental issues and techniques. This field techniques and applications course is divided into two main part. During the first part the student will learn key field-based techniques, including (but not limited to) environmental observation and evaluation, field-based species identification, and ecological field investigation, which is complemented by talks and tours of relevant field sites. During the second part of the this course the students will undertake a group research project in a range of environmental topics such as ecology, forestry, river and coast management, and human impacts on the natural environment.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 301, CHEM 301

 NATS 402        Environmental Impact Assessment & Sustainable Development +Site Visit

Environmental protection and economic development have controversially been basic tensions in the last decades. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a specific study that furnishes students the domain of environment planning and management. The course is designed to help students to understand about the impacts of development on social, economic and environmental conditions. Upon successful completion the course, student would become aware of certain issues that relatively necessary for the whole community such as moral and ethical responsibility towards good environmental practices, the valuation of the resources in development, and the challenges of environmental impacts from the development activities. In addition, this course will entail students not only to understand the concepts, but also the practical work and research related to the assessment and evaluation of the environmental quality and its standards and override with the possible finding’s solutions.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 301, LAW420

 NATS 403           Natural Resource Management

This course traces out the biological and physical science approaches or natural resource management at local, national, regional, and global levels. Topic covered in this course include resource management of water, soil, forests, wildlife, wetlands and coastal areas. The course is designed to arm students the key concepts and topical areas in natural resource and environmental management. By undertaking this course, students can develop an understanding of biological, physical, ecological principles and concepts, and quantitative skills useful for the understanding and managing of natural resources in sustainable way.

 NATS 405           Climate Change  

This course instills student basic science of climate change, and the manifold fundamental key challenges to climate change in relation to greenhouse effect, interpretation on the projection of future climate change, impact of climate change, policy framework, especially the Cambodia climate change adaptation and strategic plans.

 NATS 406           Research Methods in Science & Engineering

The course teaches students the skills and techniques required to undertake research at Bachelor level. It provides a foundation from which students may develop their capacity and confidence to tackle research problems, to assess critically both their own and others’ research, and to communicate their findings effectively. It covers material and advice on technical writing for the thesis and defending it. During the course, students will be assigned to perform research questions, literature reviews and conceptual frameworks. The objective is to put the learned into practice, sharpen and deepen their understanding, and prepare for the future research.

                        Pre-requisite: STAT 385

 NATS 310           Environment and Sustainability

This course introduces students the conceptual and practical knowledge of sustainable development issues. Students are equipped with the concept of sustainable development and how it relates to the changing of the environment and to the development. Students become acquainted with international conventions on environment and sustainable development, and the vital policy instruments in natural resource conservation and management, particularly national resources management and conservation importance.

 NATS 311           Geographic Information System-II  

This course is a more advance level of NATS304 course focusing on GIS application. It will explain how GIS can assist natural resource management work throughout its powerful tools and applications. This course also introduces the relevant subjects the GIS could be used as a tool to collect, manipulate, store, and analyze geographical and spatial data for its particular purposes such as land use planning, land evaluation, forest classification, watershed management, geology, geographical economics, etc. In term of Environmental Science point of view, students will learn how to manage and analyze the spatial data for environmental management project before displaying the results through maps and reports.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS304

 NATS 312           Environmental Ethics, Policy & Planning

This course is designed to furnish students with explanation of how cultures and religions influence human’s perception and attitudes towards the environment. It follows by an introduction of fundamental concepts of environment ethics. This enables students to gain understanding of contradicting views on the value of the environment, and how the entities should be preserved. It then provides key example of environmental problems along with some economic tools for dealing with those issues. The course also discusses the environmental problems in more detail. It will look into different scales (local, national, regional, and global) of the issues, and the complexity of the multi stakeholders’ participation (for example, governments, corporates, environmentalists, conservationists, and the public) in environmental management. It will conclude by providing key successful examples of policies currently being used for coping with environmental problems. Practical knowledge will also be gained through student presentation in the class and practical exercises.

Pre-requisite: NATS 302

 NATS 410           Environmental Governance

The course is designed to introduce students the environmental issues and global environmental concerns as complex, transboundary level, and various issues, which require sorting out at all administrative rooms. The practice for policy-making and implementation of environmental policies will also be addressed by using theories of governance. It further fundamentally highlights a set of analytical perspectives which will be the key theoretical concepts necessary for the understanding of national, regional, and global environmental changes and environmental politics.

 NATS 411           Environmental spatial analysis

This course provides knowledge about spatial analysis theoretical concepts and its application for environmental mapping, spatial modelling and analysis. Main topics include the relationship of GIS models to real world perception and map representation, vector and raster systems; spatial modelling; translation of problems into GIS procedures; attribute manipulation and recoding, operations including arithmetic and Boolean overlay, reclassification, proximity and neighborhood analyses; GIS data input and digitalization; as well as interpolation of surfaces from point and vector data. In addition to theoretical concepts, students will also attend practical classes, which emphasize problem-solving approach through environmental and agricultural GIS case studies.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 304

 NATS 321           Wetland Ecology 

This course is examined the complex types, structures and ecosystem of wetland in both freshwater and coastal zones. This distribution and richness of wildlife and benefits of the wetlands for environmental and economics are revealed to students in order to make them environmentally aware about importance of the wetlands that is globally significant for the biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. On the other hand, global environmental change is also presented to students to raise their knowledge and awareness on major courses of climate change and its influence to the distribution and abundance of ecosystems and impacts on wetlands, agricultural production and human health. For example, a specific region such as Mekong River will be examined and learnt about potential impacts of the climate change and development to the River Basin and local communities. 

                        Pre-requisite: BIO201

 NATS 322           Taxonomy of Flora & Fauna +Lab

This course provides information, background and theories to understand processes of classification of plant and animal. Generally, it aims at providing the overview of plant taxonomy in an effective manner – a simplified but factual account. After finishing this course, students are able to understand the history of taxonomy flora and fauna, field data collection of trees for classification and identification, explain the way to name the scientific name, explain the way to formulate flora formula and flora diagram for classification, understand the selected families of Dicotyledons that exist in mostly tropical forest, and so on.

 NATS 323           Forest Ecology+ Site visit

This is the working field-oriented class. The students will be acquiring knowledge about “Forests as functional system”. This course will enable the students to understand forests as functional entities with their energetics, unique physical environment, & biotic diversity with interactions among them. The students will read variety of problems related to forest in Cambodia & find solution available or suggest solutions based upon research. This course will adopt applicatory research-oriented study for the understanding of the course content.

                        Pre-requisite: BIO201, BIO301

BIO 321              Invertebrate Zoology+ Lab 

This course familiarizes students with evolutionary themes and functional approaches to invertebrate animal biology through a broad survey of the invertebrate phyla. Within the coverage of each group, unique aspects of morphology, physiology and behavior will be discussed in light of the selective forces that have favored their evolution. Other topics will include examples from the recent literature that illustrate aspects of ecology, behavior, or research (and/or economic) utility of the group consideration.

                        Pre-requisite: BIO201, BIO301

 BIO 322              Vertebrate Zoology Lab 

This course is to acquaint student with the identification, systematics, life history, anatomy, and adaptive strategies of the different vertebrates and to expose them to field techniques used in their study. After successful completing this course students would be able to characterize and understand behavioral adaptations of vertebrates for feeding, homeostasis, reproduction, etc. in aquatic and terrestrial environments and as well as the classes and major orders of the vertebrates, namely the    vertebrate species from Cambodia.

                        Pre-requisite: BIO201, BIO301

 BIO 323              Marine Biology

This course is designed to provide students the fundamental study of marine biology. Many topics will be reviewed that related to science in other fields and how they apply to marine science. Having successfully completed this course, students should be able to characterize the physical environment of the marine environment and how they generate problems to individuals. Various solutions to problems will be raised during class provided that students can understand the conservation problems and concepts occurred to variety of organisms and of the ecosystems and how human impact them.

                        Pre-requisite: BIO201, BIO301

 NATS 421           Environmental conservation

This course addresses environmental conservation form an ecological viewpoint with a central focus on several more importance issues such climate change, biodiversity loss in Cambodia and elsewhere and so on. Students are introduced and reviewed to various environmental problems in relation to biophysical, institutional, and socio-economic dimensions so as to set up more effective conservation. Generally, environmental conservation is a social process because the changes in values and understandings of nature coupled with economy and politics can inevitably impact the conservation practice. The course highlights not only rational debates in environmental conservation but also define different aspects contributing to environmental issues and their solution.
NATS 422           Integrated Water Resource Management

This course introduces students to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) concept. It provides those who is interested in water resources management a broad understanding of IWRM, the procedures, and tools available for its implementation. The lectures will cover the following topics 1) principles concept of IWRM; 2) functions of natural and anthropogenic factors in water resources management; 3) relationship between water conservation and management; 4) transboundary issues in water resources management; 5) water economics; 6) water resource planning; 7) catchment management including policies, strategies and institutional arrangements for IWRM; 8) law and policies for transboundary water governance.

                        Pre-requisite:  NATS 403

 NATS 423           Introduction to Integrated Natural Resource Management 

This course intends to provide basic principle of integrate approach for natural resources management including both renewable resources such as soil, forests, water, and wildlife, and nonrenewable resources such as oil, metals and minerals. Rather than focusing on traditional sub-discipline such as soil, water, forest, fisheries and energy in isolation, this course will take a broader, integrated-systems approach to natural resource management, that emphasize the linkages among different components of socio-ecological system. This will help the student to better understand the interaction between natural (i.e., ecology) and social process (socio-economic, politics and planning); hence, the necessity of implementing integrated approach for resource management. In addition to theoretical concepts, various case studies will be introduced and analyzed to illustrate the challenges and appropriate solutions to tackle currents resource management issues. Topic covered include problems associated with the use/misuse of natural resources, current management practices associated with the conservation of natural resources, and typical approach for dealing with multi-dimensional resource management

Pre-requisite: NATS 403

 NATS 424           Integrated Coastal Management

This course teaches student about “Structure, Functions, and Interactions Coastal Ecosystems”. Students will develop an appreciation for the wealth of resources of the coastal zone, and understand about the basic physical, biological and chemical processes in coastal ecosystem. Students will also be exposed to human environment issues, in particular economic and social aspects, in the coastal zone. At the end of this course, students should have a substantial knowledge base of basic processes in the coastal zone associated with human impacts on coastal ecosystems through human uses of coastal zones, including forestry, agriculture, urbanization, industrialization, tourism, fisheries, maritime transport and offshore oil development.

NATS 425           Pre-requisite: NATS 403 Freshwater Ecology & Management + Lab 

Aquatic systems are necessary parts of the environment in which water plays a key role. Understanding of the properties and ecology of water is useful for the protection and management of aquatic systems. Some of the fundamental properties of water and how that is affected by biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors will be addressed in this course. This course will provide general aspects of the common freshwater aquatic organisms as well as some basic ecological and scientific principals in relation to aquatic systems.

Pre-requisite: BIO201, BIO301

 NATS 426           Forest Inventory

This is the practical course designed to structure students with knowledge and skills related to the collection of forest inventory data and the preparation of a forest inventory report necessary to manage forest and natural resources. Students will be able to know the basic statistical concept used in forest measurement, the inventory equipment to obtain tree attributes, understand mapping and navigation procedures, etc.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 323

 NATS 331           Environmental Chemistry Laboratory

This course is designed to provide students with practical skills necessary for continued education in environmental science, and careers that requires knowledge of environmental quality monitoring and site investigation procedures.  This course mainly focuses on field activities for environmental sampling, and laboratory experimental practices. However classroom lecture will also be conducted to provide students with principle concepts of environmental monitoring and analysis. Topics to be covered include environmental sampling, laboratory rule and safety regulations (emphasized on chemical and fire hazards), analytical approach for basic water quality testing including pH, Alkalinity, Total Solid, Total Nitrate, Total Phosphorous, DO, BOD, COD and Total coliform analysis,  and general soil quality testing such as soil pH, infiltration, bulk density, electrical conductivity and soil nutrients.

                        Pre-requisite: CHEM 301

 NATS 332           Air Pollution

This is an introductory course to air pollution with an emphasis on outdoor rather than indoor air pollution. Topics to be covered include typical sources (emissions) of air pollution, polluting materials (both gaseous and particulate) and their physical and chemical behavior in the atmosphere, interaction of air pollution with human bodies and the environment, available methods of measuring, quantifying, analyzing, and controlling air pollution. In addition, a brief introduction to national regulations related to air pollution will also be provided. 

NATS 333           Water Pollution

This course aims to familiarize the students with different kind of water pollution issues including point source pollution and non-point source pollutions. Different approaches for controlling and preventing water pollution problem will also be explored through various case studies. Topics to be covered in this course include pollution sources, transport of the pollutants into and inside the water environment, chemical, biological and physical processes during the transport (migration) of polluting substances, natural purification processes of water bodies, water quality accidents, removal and prevention of water contaminant, national law and regulation for water pollution control.

NATS 334           Solid Waste Management

This course deals with problem concerning municipal solid waste, which emphasize on waste composition, collection and disposal, minimization and resource recovery options. Students who attend this course will learn about the principles of solid waste management, and acquire practical experience in solving the infrastructure technical problems for municipal waste management system including appropriate design of waste handling technology and necessity of national regulation for waste management. Topics to be covered include control of waste generation, storage, collection, transport, processing and disposal of solid waste, and basic methods for calculating and designing of waste management system. In addition, case studies will be used to introduce students to economics perspective of waste management issue in global, national and local levels.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 302

 NATS 345           Introduction to Industrial Waste Management

This course is designed to equip the students with knowledge on issues of industrial wastes and strategies for its prevention and control. Topics covered include sources, characteristics, control measure and treatment process for selected industries such as Textiles, Tanneries, Pharmaceuticals, Electroplating industries, Dairy, Sugar, Paper, distilleries, Steel plants, Refineries, fertilizer, thermal power plants and wastewater reclamation concepts. Various projects and case studies will be introduce to give students a better understanding on current practices and challenges for industrial waste managements, especially in developing country such as Cambodia.

                        Pre-requisite: 302

 NATS 431           Fate and Transport of Pollutant 

The course is designed to provide an understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes that govern the distribution of contaminants through the environment, as well as the processes that are involved in the transformation or degradation of a contaminant. Knowledge of these processes is essential for designing pollution prevention, control, monitoring and remediation strategies, and for risk assessment. Topics covered include forms of outdoor pollution in environmental media, the distribution of pollutants in air, water, soil and biological tissues, with particular emphasis on toxic organic pollutants.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 301

 NATS 432           Environmental quality management

This course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of environmental issues, which emphasizes on nature of the problem and appropriate management approach at local, national and global level. The lectures will be focused on essential physical, chemical, biological and societal concepts required to understand the nature of pollution and environmental quality problems, and the impacts of various environmental management strategies including hard and soft measures on the quality of our water, air, land, ecosystems, living environment, and its relation to sustainable development. This knowledge will therefore enable students to make proper decisions and actions, with due consideration of the environment and sustainability.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 302

 NATS 433           Cambodia Environmental Pollution and Control

This course aims to provide students with knowledge of environmental pollution issues in the context of Cambodia. The emphasis of the course is limited to water pollution, outdoor air pollution, and their adverse effects on human health. Students enrolled in the course will learn about the historical trend and prominent environmental pollution issues (including root causes of water and air pollution) in Cambodia. In addition, national policies and regulation related to pollution control and their implementation will be discussed based on the analysis of various case studies.

NATS 341           Introduction to Energy economics and environment

This economics course examines energy issues that pertain to the environment. The objective is to apply economics to particular issues of energy markets, environmental impacts, investment in renewables, and other energy issues such as transportation and conservation. In class lectures will be emphasized on economic and energy related topics such as economic concept, energy resource and energy market, economic perspective for nonrenewable energy, available regulatory tools and environmental implications of energy and so on. In addition, social cost and benefits of extracting nonrenewable energy, and technologies for renewable energy will also be introduced.

Pre-requisite: Introduction to environmental economics

NATS 342           Introduction to Energy Policy and Sustainability

The course is designed to provide a fundamental knowledge of key energy concepts, sources, technologies, and related policies and sustainability concept to the students from various backgrounds. The course starts with lectures on different energy sources and conversion technologies, then focuses further on the electricity system, energy efficiency, energy security, and the relationships between energy, climate change, and poverty; and concludes with a focus on energy policy, regulation and governance issues. In addition, during this course, students will also learn about basic energy numbers, conversions, and basic energy finance.

NATS 343           Introduction to Cleaner Production

The aim of this course is to provide fundamental knowledge of cleaner production approach, a proactive environmental strategy leading to pollution mineralization, and to systems of environmental management for industrial sector. Topics covered in this course include an introductory to corporate environmental responsibility, principle concepts of cleaner production and sustainable production, methodology and assessment tools for industrial cleaner production projects, process material flows, product life cycle, and economic benefits of cleaner production. Students who attend this course will also learn about various cleaner production measures applicable for specific type of industries based on case studies analysis.



NATS 345           Introduction to Resource Recovery

This course is designed to provide basic knowledge of circular economy concepts, an economic system aimed at reducing waste, and making most efficient use of resources. To create economically and environmentally sustainable processes for resource recovery from primary and secondary raw materials is one of the challenges in realizing a circular economy. This course covers novel processes and techniques for resource recovery including the process that use biochemical tools for resource recovery from waste (-water), and hydrometallurgy for recovery of valuable elements from consumer products. Specific topics include Bio-methane generation, Bio-hydrogen generation, Bioplastic production, Nutrient recovery, Feedstock recovery and resource recovery from consumer products and mining waste.

NATS 441           Sustainable Energy Technologies: Solar, Wind, Biomass

This course provides fundamental knowledge on sustainable energy technology with special focus on solar energy, wind energy and bioenergy. The course cover various topics including general overview of renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, biomass, hydropower and geothermal resource, available renewable energy technologies and their applications, as well as costs and benefits of different energy conversion technologies. Furthermore, special discussions on common technical and non-technical barriers that limit wide spread use or dissemination of solar energy, wind energy and bioenergy will be introduced in more detail manner.

NATS 442           Energy & Environment+ Site visit

Energy plays a key role in our modern industrial society. Our civilize life is dependent upon the availability of low cost and reliable energy. Recently, energy demand has been increasing, particularly in developing countries such China, India, etc. Thus, the environmental impacts of the current energy system are so substantial, and, in the case of the changing climate, potentially catastrophic. The core course of energy and the environment curriculum arms the students of understanding the issues of energy sources on both renewable and non-renewable ones, energy conversion technology, air pollution, and other environmental effects associated with energy extraction and consumption, and finally the significant aspects of conservation and public policy of energy consumption.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS 341

SOC 428             Poverty and social issues

Students will come to understand what poverty is, statistics about poverty, theories to understand poverty, along with its systematic etiology. Much of the course will look at the consequences and human price that is paid in terms of health, education, self-esteem, illegal behavior, housing violence, political engagement, mental hygiene, susceptibility to individual or structural abuse and prejudice. The last portion of the course will address what steps can be taken to reverse poverty and its effects, especially in developing countries.   

 NATS 351           Environmental Justice

This course engages environmental problems, community responses, and policy debates regarding “environmental justice” (EJ) issues, particularly the race, class, and equity implications of environmental and health issues. Topics covered include distributions of environmental quality and health, enforcement of regulations, access to resources, respond to urban and industrial problems, and political economy of decision-making around environmental and health issues. Case studies of, and research methods for, identifying environmental, health, and social inequities that underlie environmental justice claims will be incorporated throughout the course. Students will also analyze community and government responses to environmental injustices, and critically assess recent strategies to promote more ecologically sound and socially just development.

NATS 352           Introduction to Environmental Health Science

The main objective of this course is to provide students with a foundation for understanding how the environment influences human health. Basic scientific background required for understanding health problems associated with environmental pollution and prevention strategies are the central focus of this course. Specific topics include the co-evolution of civilization and barriers to infectious, and environmental disease, environmental justice and exposure to environmental stressors in communities, basis of genetic and non-genetic susceptibility to environmental disease, principles of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamics, and environmental risk assessment documentation.

NATS 353           Population Dynamics and Environment

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the sociological relationships between technology, economic policies, natural resources, population growth, and environmental degradation. Emphasis is on understanding these problems from an ecological perspective and the seriousness of these issues for future survival. The lecture will cover three main topics: (i) population and environment intersection, with particular focus on the relationship of population growth and migration to environmental change; (ii) issues of population and environment within the framework of development theory and practice, emphasized on poverty, gender and environmental change; and (iii) relationship between population size, its control and environmental sustainability.


NATS 351           Public Health Microbiology

This course provide knowledge on the diversity of microbial agents that can impact public health and environmental systems. The course is structured to detail the microbial hazards found in waters, soils and air. Molecular biology techniques and the current regulatory methods for investigating pathogens and the surrogate indicators will be discussed. Treatment and engineering strategies are discussed. The latter part of the course serves to provide an introduction to Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA). The concepts related to exposure assessment and risk characterization will be included.

                           Pre-requisite: BIO 301, NATS 302

NATS 452           Introduction to Environmental Toxicology

Environmental toxicology is the study of toxic effects of environmental chemicals on living organisms (including humans). In this course, the basic concepts, methods, and approaches in environmental toxicology will be introduced. Natural and synthetic chemicals commonly encountered in the air, water, and soil will be discussed regarding their occurrence, fate and transport, and toxicological effects on ecological species and humans. Case studies will be used to illustrate the complexity of environmental toxicology issues. New trends in chemical toxicity testing will be discussed. Contaminants of emerging concerns such as pharmaceutical and personal care products and engineered nanomaterials will also be introduced.

NATS 458           Environmental Communication

This course aims to provide an overview of the theoretical approaches, and practical applications of communication discipline for environmental discourse and problem solving. Topics covered include the social construction of nature, and human relationships with nature, critical and cultural approaches to environmental discourse, communication in environmental controversies; stakeholder dialog, and conflict resolution, public participation in environmental decision making, environmental risk communication, and communication in environmental advocacy, deliberation, and public relation.


ECON 458          Political Economy

Students will learn the concept and function of political economy, specifically the interconnectivity of economics and politics, and how this nexus affects government behavior, or policies. Students will also learn the practical lessons and theories of the political economy that has profoundly impacted international politics and international relation. The course intends for students to grapple with the inter-relationship of the international financial institutions (IFIs) with society and the state as well as the global order.

POL 302             International Organization 

The course focuses on those organizations that are international in nature, for example global and regional organizations like the UN and EU, and examine the role of these organizations in the international system, with special emphasis on environmental issues. Furthermore, the course also discusses the impact of such organization on the behavior of states and their roles in peace and conflict.

ECON 310          Economic Development

This course aims to provide students a good understanding of the existing structure and system of economic development on global, regional, and national level, as well as to equip them with the conceptual factors necessary to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various developments. It also gives students information and knowledge, including capacity development and analytical ability to evaluate economic development mainly based on classical and neo-classical approaches. It will also seek to identify the general root causes of national poverty, and define characteristics of economic problems in developing countries. In addition, the course will incorporate other sub-factors that affect economic development such as institutional reform, effective governance, infrastructure, social inequality, demographic growth and unemployment. Other specifics areas covered in this course are economic condition for development, sustainable development, and public policy encouraging economic growth, trade policy and open economy, as well as multilateral or bilateral relations amongst world economic development, environment, business, political economy, economic policy and international trade. 

NATS 461           Global Environmental Politic

This course is designed to provide the students with a better understanding of global environmental issues and the politics that shaped by them. During this course, students will learn about the concepts of global environmental politic, its historical contexts and change patterns; political, social and cultural approach to environmental politics at national, regional and global contexts; UN goals on addressing climate change and environmental degradation. Current practice of international politics in response to global issues such as climate change and biodiversity protection will be illustrated through case study analysis.

NATS 462       Fundamentals of Environmental Economic and Policy

This course introduces environmental economics as a sub-discipline of economics focusing on the inter-relationships between the environment and the economy. It attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of concepts of environmental economics and policy to students who are not specialists in economics. Topics covered include key concepts and methods of environmental economics; economic valuation of environmental goods and services; cost-benefit analysis for environmental management; economic perspective of non-marketable environmental goods and services; environmental policy design, assessment strategy, and decision making process; non-market valuation of environmental goods and services; and critical appreciation of the relevance of environmental economics to notions of sustainable development.

NATS 463           Environmental Law & Management

This course is designed to provide the students with a comprehensive review of environmental law and policy application for environmental problem and management at national and sub-national level. The class sessions will cover the theoretical development and structure of environmental legislation, regulation, taxation, and policy in the context of ASEAN country, including Cambodia. Additionally, various case studies will be analyzed to allow the students to explore how the application and enforcement of legislation and regulation can lead to positive environmental changes in the industrial and domestic.

                        Pre-requisite: LAW 420

NATS 464           Climate Policy-Past, Present and Future

This course will explore the issues concerned global climate change policies including the historical trends, current practices and future directions, and the factors that affect them. Students enrolled in this course will learn about general aspect of climate change problems at global, regional and national level, economic characteristics of the climate change problem, national and international policy design and current implementation issues, economic factors that shape global climate policies, and available tools necessary to evaluate climate change policies.

                        Pre-requisite: NATS405

  NATS 489      Senior Project or Exit Exam

To fulfill the requirement for the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree, students are required to carry out the senior project research (option 1) or pass comprehensive examination (option 2) during the final term of their study. The senior project allows students to develop research skills which are transferable to various areas; therefore, allow students to adapt to a broad job market and open a pathway for further graduate study. While senior project is recommended for all students, comprehensive examination is an alternative option for students who are not willing to carry out research projects due to time constraints.



Higher Education


Sciences and Engineering




Bachelor of Science


Environmental Science


4 years