English for Business Communication
February 24, 2025 2025-03-10 5:25English for Business Communication
Bachelor Degree
English for Business Communication
The B.A. in English for Business Communication is designed for those who wish to work as a leader or professional employee in a business setting where English is a first or second language. It seeks to train graduate who are capable of the self-learning that will be key to future career success.
Graduates of the B.A. degree in English for Business Communication will be well versed in theory, research, and practice related to the major, as well as the essential skills required to succeed as leaders and professionals, locally and globally, including adaptability; analysis; communication, both oral and written; conflict management; creativity; decision-making; leadership; problem-solving; and teamwork. They also will have a good understanding of world history, philosophy, and social sciences, which will help them to be better informed and well-rounded business leaders and professionals.
The curriculum offers a program with three major components:
- English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills with applications to business settings
- Business-related knowledge and skills, including management and leadership, and
- Liberal arts, including history, humanities, literature, philosophy, and social sciences so that graduates have a good understanding of their identity and their relationship to the world.
B.A. in English for Business Communication
Year One: Foundation Year Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
POL 101 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 | Required |
ANTH 102 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | Required |
NATS 102 | Environmental Sciences | 3 | Required |
COMP 110 | Introduction to Computers | 4 | Required |
ENGL 110 | English I: Reading and Composition | 3 | Required |
KHMR 110 | Khmer Studies | 3 | Required |
SOC 110 | Gender Studies | 3 | Required |
ENGL 120 | English II: Reading and Composition | 3 | Required |
Oriented Courses by Faculty Requirements | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
ENBC 110 | Practical English Language Development | 3 | Required |
HUM 110 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 31 |
Year Two: Functional Skills Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
MGT 110 | Management Principles | 3 | Required |
HFT 201 | Health Education and Fitness | 3 | Required |
ARIL 210 | Academic Research: Information Literacy | 3 | Required |
COM 210 | Introduction to Communications & Mass Media | 3 | Required |
ENBC 210 | English Grammar for Business | 3 | Required |
ENBC 211 | Interactive English Language Skills | 3 | Required |
PHIL 210 | Logic and Critical Thinking | 3 | Required |
PHIL 212 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 | Required |
PSYC 212 | Personal Growth and Development | 3 | Required |
Institutional Skills Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
POL 202 | ASEAN Governments, Politics, & Economics | 3 | Required |
HIST 230 | History of Cambodia | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 33 |
Year Three: Basic Major Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
ENBC 300 | English Syntax | 3 | Required |
ENBC 301 | World Literature | 3 | Required |
HIST 301 | World Civilizations | 3 | Required |
ENBC 302 | Essential Skills for Business Success | 3 | Required |
ENBC 303 | Advanced Conversation | 3 | Required |
ENBC 304 | Creative Writing | 3 | Required |
PHIL 310 | World Philosophy | 3 | Required |
PHIL 314 | Comparative Religions | 3 | Required |
COM 320 | Organizational Communication and Dispute Resolution | 3 | Required |
| Elective courses (choice of 2 courses, 6 credits) |
ENBC 305 | Seminar: Special Topics in Business Communications | 3 | Elective |
ENGL 306 | Interpreting and Translation | 3 | Elective |
HUM 310 | Arts for Transformation | 3 | Elective |
COM 314 | Fundamentals of Public Relations | 3 | Elective |
MKT 320 | Marketing Principles | 3 | Elective |
PSYC 329 | Psychology of Motivation | 3 | Elective |
MGT 360 | Management and Organization Behavior Theory | 3 | Elective |
| Subtotal | 33 |
Year Four: Major Courses | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Priority |
COM 401 | Cross-Cultural Communication | 3 | Required |
ENBC 401 | Business Literature | 3 | Required |
ENBC 402 | Strategies for Oral Communication | 3 | Required |
ENBC 403 | Technical Writing for Business | 3 | Required |
ENBC 404 | Advanced Essay Writing | 3 | Required |
ENBC 405 | Research Methods and Report Writing | 3 | Required |
HIST 410 | History of Europe | 3 | Required |
COM 413 | Business Communication | 3 | Required |
| Electives (choice of 2 classes, 6 credits) |
ENGL 401 | English Proficiency Testing | 3 | Elective |
ENBC 406 | Advanced Business Literature | 3 | Elective |
ENBC 407 | Journalistic Principles and Ethics | 3 | Elective |
ENBC 408 | Drama Laboratory | 3 | Elective |
BUS 425 | Fundamentals of Business and Entrepreneurship | 3 | Elective |
BUS 461 | Business Planning and Policy Development | 3 | Elective |
MGT 464 | Human Resource Management | 3 | Elective |
MGT 466 | Management and Leadership Development Skills | 3 | Elective |
| Subtotal | 30 |
Graduation Path | |||
ENBC 489 | Senior Project or Exit Exam | 3 | Required |
| Subtotal | 3 |
| Total | 130 |
Course Descriptions
POL 101 Introduction to Political Science
This course is developed to introduce students to the basic academic disciplines of political science. The course instruction covers various conceptual topics in hope that students will understand the most basic issues of political science. This course also intends to illustrate why general people and students should understand political science both inside and outside the classroom, and especially understand their society.
ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology
Culture consists of the beliefs, values, behaviors, and material creations developed by groups of people to improve their chances of survival in different physical environments. Understanding one’s own culture, and appreciating the cultures of others, is not only an important job skill, but also a key to maintaining peace and harmony in the world. This course is designed to investigate the impact of culture on everyday living and decision-making, both locally and globally. It presents basic concepts in cultural anthropology and applies them to various expressions of culture, such as family structure, livelihoods, and political systems.
NATS 102 Environmental Science
This course examines the complex interactions between human beings and their environment. Some fundamental concepts of environmental science are presented to students in order to make them environmentally aware about vital issues like conservation of natural resources, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid growth of human population, coupled with technology, and causing major environmental problems.
COMP 110 Introduction to Computers
This course is one of the general courses in the FY program required by PUC to familiarize students with the use of computer as an efficient tool for their study and work. It is designed to provide non-IT students an overview of how computer systems have been developed, the fundamental concepts and terminologies of computer systems, knowledge of basic computer hardware and software, and the teach students how to assemble computers, install software, and perform computer troubleshooting. There are two lab sessions, which equal 3 hours, for students to practice computer assembly and software installation. Students will learn what computer components are, implication of information technology, and basic troubleshooting knowledge.
ENGL 110 English I: Reading and Composition
This course is designed to enable students to improve their reading and writing skills at an intermediate level. Students will read a wide range of interesting texts related to real situations. All the texts will enhance students’ reading competence through guided and independent reading activities for both academic work and pleasure In addition to the reading skills, students will develop their writing skills, ranging from writing meaningful paragraphs to composing meaning short essays, which include descriptive essays, narrative essays, cause-effect essays, problem-solving essays, and opinion essays.
KHMR 110 Khmer Studies
Khmer Studies enables students to learn about the origins of culture and civilization of each group that has settled on Cambodian land, and to acquire knowledge of the Austro-Asian culture that was the original Khmer culture before the arrival of foreign cultures. Likewise, students learn about the evolution of Khmer culture from one era to another such as pre-history, Norkor Phnom (Funan) era, Chenla era, Angkor era, post-Angkor, as well as present society.
SOC 110 Gender Studies
This course is designed to introduce key concepts in gender studies from holisitic and multidimensional perspectives with an intersectoral approach. Concepts of gender and the history of feminism are examined in the beginning of the course to set the tone for the entire course. Patriarchy will be examined and discussed as an institutional mechanism for systematic discrimination against women and a denial of sexual diversity. The course explores gender as cross-cutting, encompassing different sectors including education, reproductive health, economy, and decision-making to identify causes of gender inequality. The course also discusses gender-based violence, such as domestic violence, rape, and human trafficking. The course ends with discussions about applications of gender studies to the daily lives of the participants in the course.
ENGL 120 English II: Reading and Composition
Continuing from ENGL 110, this course aims to further enhance students’ reading and writing skills at an intermediate level. Students will read various texts on different topics and themes related to real situations Students will develop skills in writing longer essays, which include descriptive essays, narrative essays, cause-effect essays, problem-solution essays, compare and contrast essays, opinion essays, persuasive essays, and summary of reading texts. Prerequisite: passing grade in ENGL 110.
ENBC 110 Practical English Language Development
This course focuses on students’ listening and speaking skills, while continuing to support reading and writing practice. The reading level of students will be assessed and a customized progression of graded readers assigned to each student. Students will read, summarize in writing, present, and discuss readings. In addition, students will view and discuss video clips to improve comprehension of English as spoken by different speakers.
HUM 110 Introduction to Humanities
This course will familiarize students with various aspects of the humanities, in particular, the art, music, literature, and philosophies of the ancient East and West, as well as contemporary aesthetic forms. Students will gain an appreciation for the plastic and performing arts.
MGT 110 Management Principles
This is an introductory course in management. Students will learn basic principles of organizational structure, behavior, and operations, including resource acquisition and management and supervision techniques to achieve organizational goals.
HFT 201 Health Education and Fitness
Health Education course will introduce students to basic knowledge of health education and health behavior, including reproductive health, tropical diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic diseases, alcohol and tobacco use and abuse, and domestic violence. With this knowledge, students will have opportunity to explore the concept of health education / health promotion and health determinant factors affecting to public health.
ARIL 210 Academic Research: Information Literacy
Information Literacy (IL) is important to support learning in the 21st century. Students will learn effective tools to proactively engage in academic performance and nurture life-long learning. Without IL skills, students will get lost in a world of abundant information resources. IL skills will help students to identify where to find the right resources to meet their specific educational needs, present research findings, and avoid plagiarism. Prerequisites: passing grades in ENGL 110 and ENGL 120.
COM 210 Introduction to Communications and Mass Media
This course is designed to introduce students to communications: the ability to give and receive information quickly and effectively. The art of getting your message across effectively is a vital part of being a successful manager. It is also wise to note that communication is the foundation of leadership. This course provides foundations to improve communication skills.
ENBC 210 English Grammar for Business
This course provides a comprehensive review of English grammar rules and skills. Students develop their ability to identify and correct both written and spoken grammatical errors with teacher feedback and consistent grammar review. Forms of writing and verbal communication that are typically used in business, such as emails, memos, letters, written and verbal reports, and giving verbal instructions will be utilized for grammar practice.
PHIL 210 Logic and Critical Thinking
Students will be introduced to basic principles of logic. Students will study standards of critical thinking, benefits and barriers to critical thinking, and characteristics of critical thinkers. They will learn to analyze arguments and how to recognize logical fallacies.
ENBC 211 Interactive English Language Skills
This course aims to further improve students’ listening comprehension and language production skills through viewing and discussing a variety of audio-visual media, interactive exercises, and conversational practice. Emphasis will be placed on pronunciation and the development of vocabulary for general and business purposes. Prerequisite: ENBC 110.
PHIL 212 Introduction to Ethics
This course examines the basic concepts and principles of ethical thought, including issues of morality and self-interest, right and wrong, actions, character, consequences, motive, and their relationship to issues of law, religion, and society. Students will analyze writings by well-known philosophers regarding ethics and the “good society.”
PSYC 212 Personal Growth and Development
This course is designed to teach discipline, good behavior, positive attitude, self-respect, and self-confidence, as a member of the university and society. The course also teaches study skills and time management to help ensure students’ success in college and in life. Buddhist as well as Western philosophies and thought are both essential to this course. Students can learn to value life and develop virtue, shaping themselves after exemplary heroes.
POL 202 ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics
With the current trend and spirit of globalization, in which every citizen is a citizen of the world as one, partnerships are critical. In this light, ASEAN has been formed. This course will examine the various systems, standards, and behaviors of both humans and institutions they create.
HIST 230 History of Cambodia
This course considers civil wars and their consequences, especially the dark period of 1975-1979 in Cambodia. Changes in Khmer culture, society, and economics will be discussed, as well as political structure, foreign policy, gender issues, human rights, rural development, and education. This course includes a community service-learning component, providing a chance for students to work and provide community service.
ENBC 300 English Syntax
This course will examine how English language is accurately formed, including words, phrases, clauses and sentences. It will emphasize subject-verb agreement, clause rules, use of gerunds and infinitives, and the use of markers and transitions to combine sentences. Prerequisite: passing grade in ENBC 210.
ENBC 301 Cross-Cultural Literature
Cross-Cultural Literature introduces students to a variety of literary forms including classic short stories, poetry, and song lyrics hailing from a variety of cultures, including Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. The course emphasizes the analysis of English language writing and aims to enhance students’ cultural competence, along with reading and comprehension skills.
HIST 301 World Civilizations
This course seeks to understand the evolution of humankind and to have a glimpse at a broad view of the world as humans struggle for civilization from early times to the present. Students will study a selection of the world’s great civilizations.
ENBC 302 Essential Skills for Business Success
This course develops soft skills that are in demand by employers, including: creativity, decision-making, emotional intelligence, and financial literacy.
ENBC 303 Advanced Conversation
Advanced Conversation provides practice in basic communication skills that can be applied in business and social life, for example, active listening, non-verbal communication, and questioning skills. It then provides opportunities for conversation practice, including formal dialogues, on topics that arise in business settings, such as facilitation, negotiation, giving and receiving feedback, and competition. Prerequisites: passing grade in ENBC 110 and ENBC 211.
ENBC 304 Creative Writing
This course develops students’ skills in producing simple but original works in various genres of fiction and non-fiction, for example, short story, novel, poetry, biography, diary, autobiography, and literary journalism. Students will be given an introduction to the meaning and scope of Creative Writing, its essential genres, and the literary techniques and devices employed in producing a work of fiction and nonfiction. Students will also learn how creative writing is different from other forms of writing such as academic writing and professional writing.
PHIL 310 World Philosophy
This course will familiarize students with the major disciplines in world philosophy, in particular political philosophy, moral philosophy, philosophy of religion, aesthetics, and Eastern and Continental European philosophy.
PHIL 314 Comparative Religions
This course introduces students to religious studies and gives a first taste of some major world religions. The instructor gives lectures and in a dialogue challenges the students to ask questions, both about their own religion—if they have one—and other religions in order to come to a better understanding of religion as an object of study.
COM 320 Organizational Communication and Dispute Resolution
This course examines various formal and informal methods of communication and dispute resolution in an organization, company and institution, or in everyday life. The course also focuses on developing effective strategies and techniques in dispute resolution for reaching different agreements. It emphasizes economic, cultural, psychological, ethical, and human rights areas essential to conflict resolution and negotiation. The course compares and contrasts the traditional methods and styles of conflict resolution used in Cambodian society with the methods and styles commonly used in Western countries.
ENBC 305 Seminar: Special Topics in Business Communication
This course is designed to provide students with applied research experience in the area of business communications. Students will identify a topic of interest, conduct independent research, present findings, and lead class discussion on the topic.
ENGL 306 Interpreting and Translation
This course aims to identify and discuss basic concepts and problems in the area of translation studies. It provides an opportunity for an in-depth and hands-on study of many areas of applied linguistics (e.g. semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and others) in the context of inter-lingual and inter-cultural transfer of meaning. Students are introduced to the concept of linguistic sign and other focal issues of semiotics in their relation to translation studies. Various modes and types of translation, as well as translation strategies and techniques are discussed. Students are familiarized with the role and functions of translator/interpreter in the process of inter-cultural communication. They are introduced to some intricacies of translation/interpretation as a profession (for example, standards and ethics of the profession). Prerequisite: passing grade in ENGL 304.
HUM 310 Arts for Transformation
Utilizing Cambodia as a case example, this course explores the power of the arts and culture to serve as a transformative force at the individual, community, and social levels. It considers how safeguarding heritage, curating history, stimulating contemporary expressions, and promoting sustainability and culture diversity can heal a population and rebuild a post-conflict country while being a vital actor in sustainable development. The course will review what methods have been viable, what tools have proven useful, and what approaches have failed in this endeavor. The course provides a platform to explore and debate this specific approach to reconstruction, revitalization, reconciliation, and peace building.
COM 314 Fundamentals of Public Relations
This introductory course details the ideas, skills, and principles that underlie the public relations craft. Students in this class study the role and contributions of public relations practitioners in contemporary society, learn about potential legal and ethical aspects of the practice of public relations, study the communication process and how persuasion is used with various audiences, and learn how to develop a strategic communication plan to achieve specific goals and objectives. Some on-campus weekend work sessions will be required to complete student projects.
MKT 320 Marketing Principles
The strength and well-being of an organization are intimately tied to its ability to recruit, satisfy, and even delight customers. While customer-focus and market orientation are important and increasingly practiced throughout organizations, the marketing function is most especially responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to marketing concepts, ideas, and applications that are useful to organizations.
PSYC 329 Psychology of Motivation
One of the important areas of psychology is to understand human behavior, specifically what pushes individuals to choose a given course of action over another. Why are some people driven to work hard to succeed, while others hope for good fortune? This course will examine various theories that attempt to explain human motivation and also learn selected theories explaining human emotions.
COM 401 Cross-Cultural Communication
This course deals with aspects of culture as they interact with language, and specific topics such as dialects, language in situations of culture contact, and the implications of cross-cultural communication differences in the workplace.
ENBC 401 Business Literature
This course continues to build upon students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the context of management and leadership. Students will read, view, write summaries, and discuss classic texts authored by writers such as John P. Kotter, and Malcolm Gladwell, and related videos. Prerequisite: passing grade in ENBC 301.
ENBC 402 Strategies for Oral Communication
This course develops public speaking skills for academic and professional purposes. It includes topic selection, introducing and concluding a speech, appropriate transitions between ideas, clarity and completeness of thought, and use of nonverbal communication. It will build students’ vocabulary and confidence in speaking English. Prerequisites: passing grades in ENBC 110 and ENBC 211.
ENBC 403 Technical Writing for Business
This course introduces students to some of the most common forms of writing in the professional world, including informal and formal letters, resumes, CVs, memoranda, proposals, and reports.
ENBC 404 Advanced Essay Writing
The essay form of writing serves as the basis for many written communications in the professional world. This course will strengthen students’ ability to construct a persuasive and interesting essay and expand the form to develop an evidence-based research paper.
ENBC 405 Research Methods and Report Writing
This course examines the key components of a research report including introduction to the topic, literature review, methods, data presentation, data analysis, and conclusions and recommendations. It provides an overview of basic research and statistical methods. Proper citations style will be reviewed. Students will produce a first draft of the senior project.
HIST 410 History of Europe
This course examines the evolution of Europe from the prehistoric period, beginning in 45,000 BC, through the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, when agriculture was established. It follows the Ancient Greek regime of Alexander the Great, through the rise of the Roman Empire from 753-476 BC. It examines the Viking Age and the Mongol Empire led by Ghengis Khan.
COM 413 Business Communication
The course seeks to provide students with English skills to be used in business communication. Students will learn to speak proper and appropriate English relating to business, including business writing style, business correspondence, and business jargon.
ENGL 401 English Proficiency Testing
This workshop-like course aims primarily at upgrading students’ English proficiency and at teaching them how to do TOEFL/IELTS tests. This course is divided into two parts. The first part is a review of English syntax, semantics, phonology, and stylistics, covering the four macro skills of English learning: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The second part is a more practical process. The teacher provides instructions and guides the students in doing various TOEFL/IELTS tests that are selected and organized in order of degrees of difficulty and interest. The test results will be kept in a portfolio that will be used as the basis for assessing the student learning outcomes.
ENBC 406 Advanced Business Literature
Students will have the opportunity to choose from a selection of more advanced full-length works, including classic management and leadership texts and biographies of business leaders. Throughout the course, students will create summaries of their reading to date and verbally present key lessons and student reflections to the class. A grade of B or above in ENBC 401 is prerequisite to enroll in this class.
ENBC 407 Journalistic Principles and Ethics
This course prepares students to be critical and responsible consumers and publishers of media messages. It reviews key ethical obligations of journalists and considers new issues created by the proliferation of social media.
ENBC 408 Drama Laboratory
Students will select or create a story, write dialogue, produce, and present a play, bringing together the skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and logical and creative thinking.
BUS 425 Fundamentals of Business and Entrepreneurship
This course introduces the student to the basic theories and principles of entrepreneurship. Students will analyze the fundamentals of creating a business from conceptualization to preparation and implementation of a business plan to formation, financing, and establishing a new venture. This will further develop the students’ verbal, writing, and critical thinking skills. The course is intended to guide students through models and writing practice and sharpen the composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing.
BUS 461 Business Planning and Policy Development
This course aims at introducing students to concepts of business planning and guiding them through the process from business mission development to the final process of strategy evaluation. Furthermore, it will enable students to conduct and write a new business plan in the Cambodian context. Many cases will be provided as examples.
MGT 464 Human Resource Management
The course is divided into six important parts including: introduction to HRM, recruitment and placement, training and development, compensation, labor relations and employee security, and international HRM.
MGT 466 Management and Leadership Development Skills
This course aims at providing students with necessary skills to develop and improve their leadership. It starts with an overview of leadership and the difference between leadership and management. The rest of the course concentrates on various skills that a leader needs. It will not only provide the conceptual perspective but also practical applications and real examples, especially in the Cambodian context.
ENBC 489 Senior Project or Exit Exam
Student will carry out a written group project (individual project allowed if student has GPA of 3.5 or higher) that offers an evidence-based study of a topic relevant to the major subject. Under special circumstances, an exit exam may be offered in lieu of the student project.
Type: | Higher Education |
Faculty: | Arts and Letters |
Department: | Business Communication |
Degree: | Bachelor of Arts |
Major: | English for Business Communication |
Duration: | 4 years |
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