Business Information Systems

Business Information Systems

Bachelor Degree

Business Information Systems

Bachelor of Arts in Business Information Systems is offering students with the knowledge of  analytical and problem solving by using information communication technology (ICT) such as  database management, programming, networking, IoT as productive tools to create innovative  solutions for business entity to effectively, efficiently, and securely operating and managing the  day-to-day business practices. Information Communication Technology is one of crucial tool to  help businesses growth and stay competitive. As you are already aware, not only large corporation,  small and medium enterprises now start to computerize their operations in order to stay strong in  the competitive environment. They start to use accounting system, inventory system, point of sale,  website, online application, mobile application, and/or network system, etc. for their business. With  the advancement of technology, machine learning, IoT, and data analytic can make the automation  smarter and more efficient. These can be implied that more IT services are in need. Who can create  IT solutions for businesses? Only those who have IT skills with knowledge of the business concept  or you need to hire another person who knows such a computerized business concept.    

Major: Business Information Systems  

Year One: Foundation Year Courses

Course Code 

Course Title 



POL 101 

Introduction to Political Science 


ANTH 102 

Cultural Anthropology 


NATS 102 

Environmental Science 


COMP 110 

Introduction to Computers 


ENGL 110 

English I: Reading and Composition (1) 


KHMR 110 

Khmer Studies 


SOC 110 

Gender Studies 


ENGL 120 

English II: Reading and Composition 


Oriented Courses Required by the Faculty

ACCT 110 

Financial Accounting I(2) 


MGT 110 

Management Principles 






Note: -(1) ENGL 110 is pre-requisite for ENGL 120  

 -(2) ACCT 110 is pre-requisite for ACCT 212 

Year Two: Functional Skills Courses

Course Code 

Course Title 



BIS 201 

Computer Programming I (3) 


HFT 201 

Health Education and Fitness 


BUS 201 

Math for Business 


ECON 210 

Introduction to Economics: Basic Concept 


BIS 210 

Multimedia and Web Design (4) 


PHIL 210 

Logic and Critical Thinking 


BIS 212 

Introduction to Database (5) 


ACCT 212 

Financial Accounting II 


PSYC 212 

Personal Growth and Development 


Institutional Skills Courses

POL 202 

ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics 



HIST 230 

History of Cambodia 






Note: -(3) BIS 201 is pre-requisite for BIS 310 & BIS 325  

 -(4) BIS 210 is pre-requisite for BIS 310 & BIS 402  

 -(5) BIS 212 is pre-requisite for BIS 310 & BIS 325  

Year Three: Basic Major Courses

Course Code 

Course Title 



STAT 201 

Introduction to Statistics & Its Application 


ARIL 210 

Academic Research: Information Literacy 


PHIL 212 

Introduction to Ethics and Good Governance 


BIS 301 

Data Communication and Networking (6) 


BIS 310 

Computer Programming II(7) 


ENBC 311 

Technical Writing for Business 


BIS 315 

Introduction to IoT (8) 


BIS 320 

Introduction to Cloud Computing (9) 


BIS 325 

Database Management System (10) 


BIS 330 

Network Operating System (11) 


FIN 375 

Fiscal Legislation & Taxation (Cambodia taxes  accounting) 






Note: -(6) BIS 301 is pre-requisite for BIS 315, BIS 320 & BIS 330  

-(7) BIS 310 is pre-requisite for BIS 403, BIS 404 & BIS 405  

 -(8) BIS 315 is pre-requisite for BIS 401  

 -(9) BIS 320 is pre-requisite for BIS 401  

 -(10) BIS 325 is pre-requisite for BIS 403, BIS 404 & BIS 405.  

 -(11) BIS 330 is pre-requisite for BIS 401 

Year Four: Major Courses 

Course Code Course Title 





Marketing Principles 


BIS 401 

Network System Administration (12) 


BIS 402 

Website Development and Application (13) 


BIS 403 

Object Oriented Programming (14) 


BIS 404 

Mobile Application (15) 


BIS 405 

E-Commerce Design 


BIS 406 

Computer Network Security 



BIS 407 

Advanced Mobile Application 


BIS 408 

Management Information System 


BIS 409 

Systems Analysis & Design 






Graduation Path 

BIS 489 

Senior Project (16) or Exit Exam 





Total Credits 



Note: -(12) BIS 401 is pre-requisite for BIS 406  

-(13) BIS 402 is pre-requisite for BIS 405  

 -(14) BIS 403 is pre-requisite for BIS 405 & BIS 407  

 -(15) BIS 404 is pre-requisite for BIS 407  

 -(16) BIS 489 cannot be taken unless all the required courses are already taken.  

Elective Course 

Course Code 

Course Title 



MATH 201 

College Algebra 


POL 203 

US Government and Politics 


POL 231 

Chinese and Japanese Contemporary Studies 


POL 232 

European Contemporary Studies 


POL 233 

American Contemporary Studies 


ACCT 235 

Accounting Information Systems 


ECON 311 

Microeconomic Principles 


ECON 312 

Macroeconomic Principles 


BUS 425 

Fundamentals of Business & Entrepreneurship 


MGT 466 

Management and Leadership Development Skills 



Entrepreneurial Real Estate and Property Management 


MATH 201 

College Algebra 


Course Description  

POL 101 Introduction to Political Science  

The course introduces the student to basic concepts of political science. The course  also examines institutions and political processes in various systems throughout the  world. Information and analysis provided in the course are necessary foundations  for further study in this field.  

ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology  

This course is designed as part of the general studies that any undergraduate student  has to fulfill before going on for a specific major course. This course is designed to  investigate the impact of culture on our everyday living and decision-making, both  locally and globally. This course deals with basic concepts of the study of humans,  past and present, with emphasis on their differing cultures. The course entails the  students not only to learn conceptual information but also to apply it in problem  solving, case studies and class debates.  

NATS 102 Environmental Science  

This is a non-lab science course that is part of the general studies. Any undergraduate  student has to complete it in order to go to their specific majors. This course  examines the complex interaction between human being and their environment.  Some fundamental concepts of environmental science are presented to students in  order to make them environmentally aware about vital issues like conservation of  natural resources, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid  growth of human population coupled with technology causing major environmental  problems. Emphasis is given to promote sustainable concepts and to enable students  to make informed choices regarding their environment. This course is designed to  make students understand theories and integrate them into practical applications  through real world situation observations, consequentially allowing them to  establish cause and effect relationship through impact assessment projects.  

COMP 110 Introduction to Computers  

This course is one of the general courses in the foundation year program required by  PUC to familiarize student with the use of computer as an efficient tool in  Information Technology for their study and work. It is designed to provide non-IT  of how computer system has been developed the fundamental concepts and  terminologies of computer systems, knowledge of basic computer hardware and  software, and IT students of how to assemble computer, install software and perform  computer troubleshooting. Besides this, students will learn selective Microsoft  Office for practical purpose.  

ENGL 110 English I: Reading and Composition  

This course is designed to enable students of the foundation year to improve their  reading and writing skills at an intermediate level. The students will read a wide  range of interesting texts related to real situations. All the texts will enhance  students’ reading competence through guided and independent reading activities for  both academic work and pleasure. In addition to the reading skills, the students will  develop their writing skills ranging from writing meaningful paragraphs to  composing meaningful short essays which include descriptive essays, narrative  essays, cause-effect essays, problem-solution essays, and opinion essays. To make  this course more fun and productive, a variety of approaches and interactive practice  activities will be employed. Those include student-centered, communicative,  cooperative learning, task based and project-based approaches, and communicative  and interactive practice activities. The students are also required to do assignments  and projects individually, in pairs, and/or in groups. 

KHMR 110 Khmer Studies  

Khmer Studies enables students to learn about the origins of culture and civilization  of each race, which had settled on our land, and to acquire Austro-Asian culture that  is the primitive Khmer culture before the arrival of foreign cultures. Likewise, we  can learn about the evaluation of Khmer culture from one era to another such as Pre history, Norkor Phnom (Funan) era, Chenla era, Angkor era, Post-Angkor as well as  present society. Moreover, Khmer Studies also focuses on the early beliefs,  superstitions, and religions in which Khmer believed and practiced in various  historical ages. Also, Khmer Studies is about arts, languages, literature, customs,  traditions and creativities of the Khmer people. In addition, Khmer Studies enables  students to be well aware of the Khmer cultural values and civilization.  Consequently, students will love, nurture and defend their country, races, culture and  civilization and national identities in order to benefit Cambodian people as a whole.  

SOC 110 Gender Studies  

This course introduces Gender Studies as general studies for all undergraduate  students at PUC. Given the comprehensiveness and diversity of the overall subject  area, this course will introduce and critical engagement with several specific areas  of inquiry that make up Gender Studies. The course first examines several  fundamental gender concepts necessary for the students to acquire the basic gender  perspectives. Then it focuses on the issues of gender-based violence, such as  domestic violence and rape, so as to understand how gender interlinks with violence  against women. Students will learn by examining substantial incidents on gender by  reading relevant materials as well as having several discussions with the guest  speakers working to promote gender equity. Through the classes and group  discussions, students will be encouraged to engage the issues presented in the class,  and to compare assigned readings interdisciplinary. The students are also  encouraged to think critically about their implications, apply and synthesize what  they are learning, and make connections to their own personal and professional lives.  

ACCT 110 Financial Accounting I  

 This course will provide students a clear understanding of basic accounting concepts with  emphasis on controlling the accuracy of recording business transactions and the preparation  of financial report at the end of the accounting cycle, so students pursuing various disciplines  have acquired the ability to utilize and interpret the accounting information as a valuable  tool for other achievement. The most important requirement for this course is a thorough  preparation and analysis of the assigned problems and/or cases and active participation in  the classroom. The expectation is that students will come to class having already thought  through and analyzed the assigned problems and/or cases. This way, we can devote the bulk  of the class time to thinking about and responding to each other‘s analyses and only the  necessary minimum to getting the facts out. Students are strongly encouraged to actively  participate in class. 

MGT 110 Management Principles  

Along the course, student would understand better the importance of management  and learn how organization and individual differentiate themselves when both the  resources to acquire, skill to use and the tool. In order words, students will students  would learn how individuals in organizations treat one another, how people are  managed and the ability to direct the human energies to achieve organizational goals.  

ENGL 120 English II: Reading and Composition  

Continuing from ENGL 110, this course aims to further enhance students’ reading  and writing skills at an intermediate level. The students will read various interesting  texts on different topics and themes related to real situations. All the texts will enhance students’ reading competence through guided and independent reading  activities for both academic work and pleasure. In addition to the reading skills, the  students will develop skills in writing longer essays which include descriptive  essays, narrative essays, cause-effect essays, problem-solution essays, compare and  contrast essays, opinion essays, persuasive essays, and summaries of reading texts.  To make this course more fun and productive, a variety of approaches and interactive  practice activities will be employed in class. Those include student-centered,  communicative, cooperative learning, task-based and project-based approaches, and  lots of communicative and interactive practice activities. The students are also  required to do assignments and projects individually, in pairs, and/or in groups.  

BIS 201 Computer Programming I  

This course is designed for those who have little or no programming background to  learn the fundamental concepts and terminology of software application  development and develop skills in designing, writing small applications by using  Net technology. This course will teach how to create a simple application based on  a small business application concept, and get an explanation of common solutions  to different problems you might encounter as you begin writing and compiling code.  In addition, the course also includes such topics as naming conventions, data type  conversions, the if Decision statement, the conditional operator, several different  types of iteration statements, declare and utilize arrays and debugging in action.  Moreover, it provides student an understanding of small business application  concept such as Stock System, Loan Schedule Calculation, etc... with GUI on  Windows Application Platform.  

HFT 201 Health Education and Fitness  

Health Education course will introduce students to basic knowledge on health  education, health behavior, reproductive health, tropical diseases, sexual transmitted  diseases, chronic disease, alcohol, tobacco, and domestic violence will be imparted.  With this knowledge, students will have opportunity to explore the concept of health  education / health promotion and health determinant factors affecting to public  health.  

BUS201 Math for Business  

This course is covered the mathematical processes and techniques currently used in  the fields of business and finance. It provides common business practices such as  mark-up, markdown, and cash discounts showing students how these tools work in  small business or personal finance. The course includes a review of basic business  and financial math skills with particular emphasis on percentages, interest,  discounts, arithmetic of payroll, bank statements, reconciliation, trade and cash  discounts, establishing retail prices, consumer credit, simple interest, compound  interest, annuities, business and consumer loans.  

STAT 201 Introduction to Statistics & Its Application  

This course is designed for students who have never taken statistics before. We begin  with the elementary concept of statistics, continue to descriptive statistics and end  with inferential statistics. Students will learn how to present qualitative and  quantitative data, both by using graphs and summary values. They also learn basic  probability theory in order to understand the concept of inferential statistics. The two  kinds of inferences, confidence intervals and test hypotheses are included at the end  of the course.  

POL 202 ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics  

The course is designed to provide students with the fundamental understanding of  the functional and institutional of ASEAN. Snapshots of facts and figure of ASEAN (country profile/ country bio-data) will be provided to students for familiarizing  themselves with local government structure, economic trends, relevant policy and  challenges. Country bio-data identifies the characteristics and personality of each  national government and their respective interest in the Association. The complexity  of regional politics and economics integration will be addressed to assess the  institutional function of the Association. In this course covers such topics as (1) the  structure of ASEAN national governments; (2) ASEAN Economic Trends 

Agreements/Mechanisms (AIA, AFTA, Market and Monetary  Procedure/Harmonization); (3) perspectives of ASEAN Countries: in term of  economics, politics and security; (4) ASEAN Charter; (5) ASEAN Political Security  Community; (6) ASEAN Economic Community; (7) ASEAN Social and Cultural  Community; (8) Cambodia and ASEAN.  

ECON 210 Introduction to Economics: Basic Concepts  

Economics is one of the most challenges in social science studies. The context of  this subject itself lies within the rational boundary of how people would interact  differently to the particular economics circumstances to attain appropriate decision  makings. At the micro level, this subject will provide a clear insight of how  household would make his or her decision among other alternatives to reach a better  off situation while confronting with limited resources. At the macro level, this  subject will provide a clear focus of how a whole economics entity‘s roles would  play to maintain balance of payment. The international trade, inflation, the costs of  inflation, and unemployment are also covered in this course.  

BIS 210 Multimedia and Web Design  

 Multimedia and Web Design course introduces students to basic web design using  HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The  course does not require any prior knowledge of HTML or web design. Throughout  the course, students are introduced to planning and designing effective web pages,  implementing web pages by writing HTML and CSS code, (Cascading Style Sheets),  Bootstrap and JavaScript, jQuery and/or Ajax. Throughout the course, students are  introduced to planning and designing effective web pages; implementing web pages  by writing enhancing web pages with the use of difference design techniques (page  layout techniques, text formatting, graphics, images and multimedia) and producing  a functional multi-page website.  

PHIL 210 Logic and Critical Thinking  

Students will be introduced to the basic methods and principles of logic. Students  will study and apply various methods to test arguments, and apply the principles of  logic, through various exercises, puzzles, and problem solving, to develop critical  thinking skills. Students will study assorted forms of false reasoning and examine  possible applications of this study in academic and non-academic life.  

ARIL 210 Academic Research: Information Literacy  

The goal of the course is to instill students with information literacy (IL) skills. By  the end of the course, it is expected that students will be able “to locate, evaluate and  use” information of any type, in any media effectively. Moreover, IL will enable  students to communicate their work in a scholarly manner within academic ethic  principles. They will understand what plagiarism is and will cite their sources  properly when they use someone else’s ideas or work. The information literacy skills  are fundamental skills for learning. They not only provide students with the tools to  engage in academic performance proactively and productively, but also inspire  students to continue learning throughout their lives. In order to enable students to  really earn the IL skills, instructors will walk students through all the necessary steps  of research and writing. 

BIS 212 Introduction to Database  

Introduction to Database is designed to provide students with fundamental principles  and concepts of database systems that store and structure an organization’s data, and  drive its business functions. Students will learn to analyze data and perform data  modeling and normalization to design an effective database, using relevant theories  and concepts of relational database systems.  

ACCT 212 Financial Accounting II  

The Course is designed in unit I to provide students a complete knowledge in  recording the assets, liabilities and other transactions which cause the change in  financial positions and the net income of a business organization .The students will  be able to understand the accounting principles and concepts which are appropriated  to the business environment such as inflation and to value the internal control in each  accounting steps will be stressed. Through practices and reviews, students will be  able to prepare bank reconciliation, the recording of the non-cash expenses as well  as the recording of the different type of business formation in accordance with the  rule and regulations of the taxation office.  

In unit II, all the accounting issues which primarily affect corporations as  well as the way that individual and corporations use accounting information to  measure taxable income and to determine the amount of income tax owed will be  known. The statement of the cash flows, which is one of the four major financial  statements, and the techniques by which investors analyze financial statements, will  be shown.  

PSYC 212 Personal Growth and Development  

This course is designed to teach discipline, good behaviors, positive attitude, self respect and self-confidence at the university as well as in the society. It will also  teach study skills and time management for success in college as well as in life.  Buddhist as well as western philosophies and thoughts are essential parts of this  course. Students can learn how to value life and develop virtues, molding themselves  after great heroes. The way to obtain the “positive mental attitudes” is taught through  this course.  

PHIL 212 Introduction to Ethics and Good Governance 

This course examines the basic concepts and principles of ethical thought, including  issues of morality and self-interest, right and wrong, actions, character,  consequences, motive, and their relationship to issues of law, religion, and society.  Students will analyze writings by well-known philosophers regarding ethics and the  good society.  

HIST 230 History of Cambodia  

This is a social science course that students have to fulfill before going on to their  specific major course. It will be a discussion of the civil war and its consequences  especially the post dark period of year 1975-79 in Cambodia. There will also be a  discussion of renovation and reform after the year 1993. The changes in Khmer  culture, society and economics will be discussed based on general opinions and  public media. Political structure, foreign policy, gender issues, human rights, rural  development, and education are also included. In addition, this course is included  the community learning program that provide a chance to students to work on  community-based learning. This project is for students to understand and learn about  the community, its historical concept and its needs. 

BIS 301 Data Communication and Networking  

This course is designed to offer a fundamental concept of Data Communication, how  networks are connected between LAN, WLAN, & WAN, and basic routing and  switching configuration. It covers the theory, hardware and software, and protocols  used in computer networks. The focus will be on basic data communication  principles, local area networks, wide area networks, IP addressing, network services,  wireless network, network layer, network devices configuration, troubleshooting,  and responsibility of IT technician in workplace.  

BIS 310 Computer Programming II  

This course equips students with resources for design, production, and evaluation of  web applications and strategies for locating these resources. Students gain hands-on  experience in web application production, including: client-side markup and  programming, server-side programming for data processing, code versioning,  accessing web services, and related authentication techniques. It is designed to takes  you through the web framework’s Model-View-Controller (MVC) design mode that  can help to product the best outcome with this new framework for building a Web  Applications which is based on business application model such as Accounting  Application, Stock Management Application, etc. To strengthen student’s ability in  coding, it also provides an understanding of the core constructs of the computer  programming language including Database System (Client/Server) for medium  business with MSSQL Server, Data Structure that related business model. It also  covers how to create report and secure system with multiple capability.  

ENBC 311 Technical Writing for Business  

This course is designed for students who wish to improve their accuracy,  appropriacy, and fluency in letter, essay, and thesis writing. Students in this course  will be briefly revised the basic grammatical rules before they actually come to the  writing focus. Another basic focus of this course is to provide students opportunities  for practices in writing. For individual advancement, students are regularly and  additionally given homework and assignment to do and research at home and at their  convenient time.  

BIS 315 Introduction to IoT  

This course will describe the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, solutions, the  technology used to build these solutions, market around the IoT, and basic concept  of circuitry. By applying software solutions to the IoT devices, it will help student  to expand her/his creativities into different industries and create innovative solutions  for those industries. This course will divide into three modules: 1. Basic  understanding of circuitry, 2. Exploration of the hardware environment such as  Arduino/Raspberry, sensors, motors, and relays, and 3. Programing language such  as Python and C.  

BIS 320 Introduction to Cloud Computing  

This course will provide student a series of current cloud computing technologies,  including technologies for Software as a Service, Platform as a Service,  Infrastructure as a Service, Virtualization, and cloud-based business model. For  different types of the cloud technologies, practical solutions such as Google,  Amazon, Microsoft,, etc. solutions as well as theoretical solutions  are introduced. A numbers of case studies will be provided and most of the course  will be covered by the student presentations.  

MKT 320 Marketing Principles  

The strength and well-being of an organization is intimately tied to its ability to  recruit, satisfy, and even delight customers. While customer-focus and market orientation are important and increasingly practiced throughout organizations, the  marketing function is most especially responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction.  The purpose of this course is to introduce students to marketing concepts, ideas and  applications which are useful to organizations.  

BIS 325 Database Management System  

This course enables students to install and use Microsoft's SQL Server/Oracle,  backup, recover data, monitor, tune up administer security database and apply  DBMS concept to create business application.  

BIS 330 Network Operating System  

This course introduces foundation knowledge of network systems and Windows  server environment. It describes major server roles, features, and storage as network  services and how to configure and install those services. Some of the major server  roles, software deployment, virtualization, and securing windows server are the main  concentration in this course. Students are required to present selected server roles  with demonstration as their final project. This course requires Computer Lab, Server  & Network Hardware, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or later and Windows 7 or  later.  

FIN 375 Fiscal Legislation & Taxation (Cambodia taxes accounting)  The course will consist of the materials pertaining to the concept of taxation, the  classification of various taxes, and the concept of equity in taxation. This will lead  to the tax structure. The U.S. tax structure and the Cambodian tax structure will be  explained, including the notion of Income, and Income Tax, which does not exist in  Cambodia. The determination of income using Singapore definition and U.S.  definition will be explored. Further reading on Singapore individual income and  corporate income will enhance further understanding of income for tax purposes.  The purposes of fiscal legislation will be examined in general terms under general  aspect of the matter. The second part of the course will cover Cambodian taxation,  which consisted of salary tax, tax on profit and VAT tax.  

BIS 401 Network System Administration  

This course provides the knowledge and practical skills necessary to design, build,  monitor, maintain and administrator Windows server infrastructure. It focuses on  configuring, troubleshooting and managing name resolution, user & group  management, Active Directory Domain Service (AD DS), Group Policy, Servers  Replication, and Backup.  

BIS 402 Website Development and Application  

In this course, the student will learn the basic principles of web design and web  development using the most popular open source framework—Angular from  Google. The student also learns how to mockup, design layout and construct web  site layout using Bootstrap framework for making sure the website looks beauty and  responsive to any device screen.  

BIS 403 Object Oriented Programming  

This course is designed as an entry level programming course for students who have  prior programming experience. This course introduces the concepts of object oriented programming to students with a background in the procedural paradigm and  how are these supported in C#. It then moves on to introduce the object-oriented  programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the  fundamentals of object-oriented design; encapsulation and information-hiding;  separation of behavior and implementation; classes, subclasses, and inheritance; polymorphism; class hierarchies. This part will also examine how to process runtime  exceptions, and dive into the details of working with strongly typed interfaces.  

BIS 404 Mobile Application  

This course will teach students how to build a hybrid mobile app using Ionic  Framework, it enables student to use one codebase (written in HTML, JS and CSS)  to build and ship apps as normal (progressive) web apps as well as real native mobile  apps for iOS and Android. Student can also learn basic coding using Google angular  that allows student to develop mobile app powered by TypeScript including learn  how to mockup mobile app layout with exciting design software and explore Ionic  framework components.  

BIS 405 E-Commerce Design  

This course introduces the business concept of a B2B E-Commerce Web  Application. It describes several steps of business logics and planning that are  required for an E-Commerce. The technology that will be used for designing this  Web Site is Single Page Application with AngularJS. This application will be using  Web API as its back bone for Data Management. At the end of the term, students  should have a working E-Commerce project ready for hosting.  

BIS 406 Computer Network Security  

This course aims to build an understanding of Security Layers, Operating System  Security, Network Security, Cyber Security, and other Security Software. This  course will also provide students with the knowledge and skills to envision, design,  and deploy web access, remote access and Email protection solutions using  Microsoft or Open Source software as a tool, enabling them to identify the  requirements and make the appropriate design decisions that will come up during  the deployment process, and providing hands-on experience.  

BIS 407 Advanced Mobile Application  

This advanced mobile application course will teach students on how to develop  hybrid mobile app by using web technology, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.  Students also learn how to implement and develop backend web service for storing,  retrieving and managing data, instead of storing data inside a phone local storage.  This course also includes learning how to development API using Postman that  allows mobile app to communicate with web service. Moreover, students also learn  how to configure Google mobile notification service for real time message sync.  

BIS 408 Management Information System  

This course provides an emphasis on management and technical concepts  fundamental to business applications and management control of information  systems. The coverage includes management information, hardware, software, and  decision support systems which aid in planning, organizing and controlling business  activities. In order to have a good outcome of the course, student needs to complete  these pre-requisite courses: 1. Introduction to Database, 2. Financial Accounting II,  3. Management Principles.  

BIS 409 Systems Analysis & Design  

This course covers the system development life-cycle (SDLC) phases, with respect  to the Waterfall Approach; it also describes the Prototype Approach for developing  software systems. Object-Oriented (OO) analysis and design concepts are also  introduced. However, focus is on the following topics: project-planning activities  include elements, resources, risk, project documentation, and a number of tools e.g.  Gantt Charts and PERT. Succeeding as a System Analyst includes interpersonal  skills, management skills, analytical skills and technical skills. System Analysis Techniques covers requirement analysis; system investigation, process analysis, data  analysis; documentation: graphical tools, e.g. DFDs, E-R models, decision tables  and trees, non-graphical tools, e.g. structured English, data dictionaries; the concept  of logical modeling and the transition to design. Business/system specifications are  also included.  

BIS 489 Senior Project or Exit Exam  

Students will be responsible for planning an integrated business project and writing  a report. This includes doing customer and industry data collecting and analysis  and creating business application.  



Higher Education


Business and Economics


Business and Management


Bachelor of Arts


Business Information Systems


4 years