Tourism and Hospitality Management
February 1, 2025 2025-03-08 8:24Tourism and Hospitality Management
Associate Degree
Tourism and Hospitality Management
The Associate Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management is typically two years in length and required 20 course works based in theory and practice. General education requirements are also typically included. Many core courses focus on tourism fields and Hospitality management topics. At PUC, Associate Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management educates students on how to effectively track a tourism industry’s sector. Many of these programs are structured to draw from a broad liberal arts education while also focusing on career-specific in tourism and Hospitality Management courses.
Associate Degree of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Year I
No | Course Title | Course Code | Credits | Priority |
1 | Introduction to Political Science | POL101 | 3 | Required |
2 | Cultural Anthropology | ANTH102 | 3 | Required |
3 | Environmental Science | NATS102 | 3 | Required |
4 | English 1: Reading and Composition(1) | ENGL110 | 3 | Required |
5 | Khmer Studies | KHMR110 | 3 | Required |
6 | Introduction to Computers | COMP110 | 4 | Required |
7 | Gender Studies | SOC110 | 3 | Required |
8 | English 2: Reading and Composition | ENGL120 | 3 | Required |
9 | Oriented Courses Required by the Faculty | |||
10 | Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality | THM131 | 3 | Required |
11 | ASEAN Tourism Products | THM132 | 3 | Required |
Subtotal | 31 |
Note: (1) ENGL 110 is pre-requisite for ENGL 120
Year II
No | Course Title | Course Code | Credits | Priority |
1 | Tourism Geography | TMH 200 | 3 | Required |
2 | Management of Tourism | TMH210 | 3 | Required |
3 | Tourism for Economics | TMH215 | 3 | Required |
4 | Online and Social Media Marketing | MKT 220 | 3 | Required |
5 | Tourism and Cultural Heritage | TMH225 | 3 | Required |
6 | Customer Service | THM230 | 3 | Required |
7 | Essentials of Tourism & Hospitality Accounting(2) | THM 235 | 3 | Required |
8 | Front Office Operation and Management | TMH240 | 3 | Required |
9 | Food and Beverage Service | THM245 | 3 | Required |
10 | Hospitality Accounting and Financial Management | THM250 | 3 | Required |
11 | Travel Agency and Tour Operations | TMH255 | 3 | Required |
12 | Senior Research Project/Exit Exam | 3 | Required | |
Subtotal | 36 | |||
Subtotal | 67 |
Note: (2) THM 235 is pre- requisite for THM250
Course Description
POL 101 Introduction to Political Science
The course introduces the student to basic concepts of political science. The course also examines institutions and political processes in various systems throughout the world. Information and analysis provided in the course are necessary foundations for further study in this field.
ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology
This course is designed to investigate the impact of culture on everyday living and decision-making, both locally and globally. It presents basic concepts in cultural anthropology and applies them to various expressions of culture, such as languages, family structures, livelihoods, political systems, belief systems, and art.
NATS 102 Environmental Science
Significant increases in the world population along with technology advances in the manufacture of products corresponding to people ‘s demand, led to the over exploration of nature resources. This brought environmental and other impacts, such as natural resources depletion, solid waste generation increment, ecosystem unbalancing, health and safety problems on human beings, etc.
Similarly, Cambodia is also facing such problems. Hence, awareness in environmental issues contributing to environmental protection is in need to address. This course is designed to provide some fundamental concepts of environmental science in order to make students environmentally aware about vital issues like natural resources conservation, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid growth of human population coupled with technology causing major environmental problems. Emphasis is given to promote sustainable concepts and to enable students to make informed choices regarding their environment. Additionally, this course is introduced to make students understand theories and integrate them into practical applications through real world situation observations, consequentially allowing them to establish cause and effect relationship via impact assessment projects.
ENGL 110 English I: Reading and Composition
This course is designed to enable students of the foundation year to improve their reading and writing skills at an intermediate level. The students will read a wide range of interesting texts related to real life situations. All the texts will enhance students’ reading competence through guided and independent reading activities for both academic work and pleasure. In addition to the reading skills, the students will develop their writing skills ranging from writing meaningful paragraphs to composing meaningful short essays which include a descriptive essay, a narrative essay, a cause-effect essay, a problem-solution essay, and an opinion essay. To
make this course more fun and productive, a variety of approaches and interactive practice activities will be employed. Those include student-centered, communicative, cooperative learning, task-based and project-based approaches, and communicative and interactive practice activities. The students are also required to do assignments and projects individually, in pairs, and/or in groups.
KHMR 110 Khmer Studies
Khmer Studies observes the evolution of Khmer culture from pre-history through the Angkorean period to contemporary society. It examines the arts, languages, literature, customs, traditions, and creations of the Khmer people. Students gain a sense of appreciation and love for the Khmer culture and a sense of pride, integrity, and national identity.
COMP 110 Introduction to Computers
This course is one of the general courses in the foundation year program required by PUC to familiarize student with the use of computer as an efficient tool in Information Technology for their study and work. It is designed to provide non-IT and IT students an overview of how Information Technology System has been developed the fundamental concepts and terminologies of Information Technology, knowledge of basic computer hardware and software, computer technology, information technology. Besides this, student will learn selective Microsoft Office for academic purpose.
SOC 110 Gender Studies
This course is the introduction to Gender Studies/Women ‘s Studies. Given the comprehensiveness and diversity of the overall subject area, this course will provide an introduction to and critical engagement with several specific areas of inquiry that make up Gender Studies/Women ‘s studies.
ENGL 120 English II: Reading and Composition
Continuing from ENGL 110, this course aims to further enhance students ‘reading and writing skills at an intermediate level. The students will read various interesting texts on different topics and themes related to real life contexts and situations. All the texts will enhance students ‘reading competence through guided and independent reading activities for both academic work and pleasure. In addition to the reading skills, the students will develop their writing skills ranging from writing longer essays which include a descriptive essay, a narrative essay, a cause-effect essay, a problem-solution essay, a compare and contrast essay, an opinion essay, a persuasive essay, and a summary of a text. To make this course more fun and productive, a variety of approaches and interactive practice activities will be
employed in class. Those include student-centered, communicative, cooperative learning, task-based and project-based approaches, and lots of communicative and interactive practice activities. The students are also required to do assignments and projects individually, in pairs, and/or in groups.
THM131 Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality
Core concepts frequently found in Tourism and Hospitality Studies are introduced to the students. The course provides a review of the tourism industry emphasizing that tourism should be viewed as a system. The impacts of tourism on the society and economy of recipient nations are also inspected, so that students have an opportunity to appreciate tourism and, at the same time, to caution its adverse effects. The course extends its purview to acquaint students with tourism marketing and the role of the government in tourism intervention.
THM132 ASEAN Tourism Products
The ‘ASEAN Tourism Products’ course focuses on attractions and the magnetism that draws tourists to the ten destinations in ASEAN nations. It recognizes the importance of imminent regional integration, explores the distinctiveness of various attractions, exposes students to socio-cultural differences, and raises their cultural awareness of the ASEAN nations. The course also brings practical experiences to students via various means, such as study visits to at least one of the ASEAN
THM200: Tourism Geography
Contributing to the development of Cambodia’s tourism, Tourism Geography in Cambodia not only details the tourist destinations for the entire country, but also some other basic information about Cambodia. The book used in this course, Tourism Sites of Cambodia, includes information about each site, tourism maps of Cambodia, and its cities and provinces; beautiful photos of many sites inside the country, and some other related and practical important information. Furthermore, the book is written primarily for tour guides. Therefore, it will be of interest to students if they want to become ones.
THM 210: Management in Tourism
This course provides students with various fundamental strategic management principles in a tourism, hospitality and events context and brings theory to life by integrating a host of industry-based case studies and examples throughout to show applications of strategic management.
THM 215: Tourism for Economics
The course emphasizes new aspects such as the measurement of tourism (e.g. Tourism Satellite Account), supply trends, competition models, the macro evaluation of tourism projects and events, and the role of tourism in a development strategy. It also examines many different economic aspects of tourism, such as theories of demand and supply and economic impacts on tourist destinations. The course then goes beyond the myth of economic growth to inspect stylized facts of tourism as an agent of growth and incorporate the issues of sustainability.
MKT 220 Online and Social Media Marketing
Marketing Online is an intensive course of students in business management and marketing in particular. With the explosion of the Internet era and the changing business environment in Cambodia as well as in the world, the demand for knowledge and skills in using online communication tools has been really different and urgent for the current business manpower. For this reason, this course is essential for marketing students as well as for students from other disciplines such as international business management, human resources management, hospitality and social sciences. This course will teach you how to use online marketing tools such as: website 4.0, online advertising channels, social networking advertising, email marketing, search engine marketing, PR Online ... Then you can plan your online marketing, execute the plan and evaluate it. In order to study this subject well, students need to learn perquisites subjects such as principle marketing and marketing management. In addition, if you have studied subjects such as business planning, strategic management, public relations (PR) or advertising, that will be the foundation knowledge needed to acquire to this subject.
THM 225: Tourism and Cultural Heritage
The course focuses on issues, challenges, and opportunities of heritage tourism in the context of developing countries. It covers from the contested definitions of heritage to critical issues, such as heritage preservation and protection, politics, impacts, conflicts, marketing, and management of heritage and the pasts for tourism. These issues are reflected upon the experience of the management and development of heritage tourism in Cambodia.
THM211 Customer Service
The course provides practical tips and techniques to accomplish the elusive goal of consistent service excellence through personalized customer services for a business’s competitive advantage. The students will acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty in delivering unforgettable services that work and retain clients. The course provides a step-by-step guide, tools, and procedures in the delivery of exceptional customer services.
THM 240: Front Office Operation and Management
The course provides a purview of the front office operation and management at hotels, ranging from hotel organization, communications, reservations, guest registration, processing guest charge payments, guest checkout, and training to promoting in-house sales. It also delves into the management of hospitality, particularly focusing on diversity management; total quality management; and development, delivery, and evaluation of service management programs. By taking this course, students prepare themselves as future front office supervisors and managers in hotels.
THM 245 Food and Beverage Service
Food and beverage services sector contributes a great deal to the profits in hospitality industry. With the increase in importance of business meetings, a range of personal and social events, a large number of customers visit catering establishments frequently. The food and beverage professionals tirelessly work to intensify customers’ experience through their service. The F&B Services
providing businesses deliver food and beverages to their customers at a particular location (on-premise) such as hotel, restaurant, or at the customer’s intended premises (off-premise).
THM 255: Travel Agency and Tour Operations
The course provides a wide range of knowledge and crafts of the services provided by travel agencies. Students learn about making a reservation and transport organization and operation. They also acquire knowledge of travel agency systems, global distribution systems, and additional skills required to perform different tasks in the operation and management of travel agencies.
THM 488: Tourism & Hospitality Industry Internship
The industry internship gives students an opportunity to engage in practical experience in a particular section of tourism and hospitality of their interest. The students seek further to apply theoretical knowledge to hands-on operation of their assigned job. The cultivation of the industry experience concretizes their erudition, develops state-of-the-art skills and aptitude required by the industry, and enhances their future employability. This industry internship is especially designed for students who wish to seek employment immediately after school.
THM 489: Senior Research Project/Exit Exam
The senior research project shapes students’ research skills and competency in academically advancing knowledge in a particular area of tourism and hospitality of their concern. The student, supervised by an experienced
academic staff, must choose a certain topic of their interest to do research. The project is especially suited to students who wish to pursue employment in the field of research and those who are in the quest of further education.
Type: | Higher Education |
Faculty: | Tourism and Hospitality Management and Entrepreneurship |
Level: | 5 (National Qualifications Framework) |
Degree: | Associate of Arts |
Major: | Tourism and Hospitality Management |
Duration: | 2 years |
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