Graduate School of Management & Economics
September 18, 2024 2025-03-09 11:57Graduate School of Management & Economics
Business, economics, finance, policy formulation, and management practitioners keep pace with multinational business changes and improve their governance in a business firm, enterprise, international organization and any governments. The GSME programs are designed to meet the urgent needs of scholars at the graduate and postgraduate levels to advance and modernize business, leadership, management, and enrich professional skills and knowledge for innovation and wisdom to address our today’s global economic challenges.
The philosophy fits the tradition, values, pioneering motto of Pannasatra University of Cambodia, which places a strong emphasis on the practitioner-oriented scholars. In realizing such a philosophy , the GSME program require high academic commitment and achievement from its students acquiring knowledge and expertise in the academic theories and principles of business, finance, economics, public policy and management. Knowledge from the graduate and post graduate studies applies to both private and public sectors in our contemporarily globalized economy. The strategic goal of Master and Doctoral Studies Programs is to assist PUC practitioner-oriented scholars to brighten and enhance their professionals and to move towards self-enlightenment with knowledge gained and used in accordance with humane and ethical values.
Majors & Program
Programs Offered
I. Master Programs
1. Master of Business Administration (54 credits)
Master of Business Adminitration provides the following majors:
Finance, International Business, Public Policy, Management, HRM, Marketing, MIS, Development Economics, Tourism & Hospitality, and Engineering Management
2. Master of Arts in Economics (54 credits)
Requirements for MBA & MA
-Foundation Courses, 18 credits
-Basic Major Courses, 18 credits
-Core Major Courses, 12 credits
Thesis or Non-Thesis, 6 credits
3. Executive MBA (45 credits)
Requirements for Executive MBA
-Core Courses, 35 credits
-Internship, 4 credits
-Thesis or Non-Thesis, 6 credits
PUC tertiary education program is designed to provide solutions to industry’s needs for people who can manage people, technology and innovation in today’s business environment.
II. Doctoral Studies Programs
1. Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) OR DBA (Doctor of Business Administration)
Year 1: The first year of the program has the following:
Foundation Courses:
Advanced Research Methods, Advanced Corporate Finance, World Economics Development, International Entrepreneurship, Advanced Multivariate Analysis & International Economic Law.
Note (1): Ph.D. scholars must pass the Ph.D. screening exams to be fully admitted to the Ph.D. studies in year 2.
Year 2: Major Courses: Ph.D.: 21 credits/DBA: 18 credits
Major requirements: (a) Prior to Ph.D. dissertation/DBA research project, scholars must complete the major courses and two elective courses (six credits). (b)Ph.D./DBA scholars must pass the written & oral comprehensive exams.
Year 3: Ph.D. Dissertation/ DBA Research Project
(2).Ph.D. Dissertation Design and Implementation
(3).DBA Research Design and Implementation
DBA Research Project Completion and Defense: 12 credits
Year4: Ph.D. Dissertation Completion and Defense 12 credits
Note (2): Comprehensive Exams (after completing courses in DBA in Year 3; after completing courses in Ph.D. of major field studies in Year 3 & 4); *IP: In Progress
Note (3) :(1) A strong Ph.D. candidate can acquire a Ph.D. degree within 4 years but others can complete it from 5 to 8 years.(2) Applicants interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree from the PUC GSME can have an option for:Ph.D. in Economics, Ph.D. in Finance, Ph.D. in Management, and Ph.D. in Public Policy
graduate Program
Postgraduate Program
Students' Report/Research/Proposal
Our students' archived document:
Graduate Program - Research Report
- Chan Vongsereyroth - Supreme Mortgage Crisis in the Us
- Kek Reaksmey - The Cause of Inflation Rate in Cambodia
- Kheam Dina - Advantage of Staff Motivation at the ACLEDA Bank
- Kong Sokvitou - The Impact of Private Sector Credit on Economic Growth in Cambodia
- May Sereyvatey - Benefits of Fund Raising of SMEs in the Australian Economic Growth
- Nhansarak Sihanath - The Effect of Government Expenditure on Price Level in Cambodia
- Sam Sovitu - The Effect of Exchange Rate Change on Inflation Rate: An Evident of Cambodia.
- Touch Sovann - Relationship between Tax Revenue and Government Expenditure Of Cambodia
Contact Us
Paññāsāstra Institute of Academic Research and Development (PIARD)
Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia
No. 89, Street 313 Boeung Kak II, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Phone : (855) 12 000 000
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