
Bachelor Degree


Bachelor of Arts in Economics prepares students to become economists who understand complicated economic and social processes, inform business and governments on how best to use scare resources and contribute to the development of economics policies to ensure economic prosperity. At PUC, this major provides an excellent education in the leading theories and concepts, principles, policies and practices involved in modern economics. The quantitative and analytical skills acquired will enable them to understand how individuals make optimal economic decision, how organizations operate in the global economy, and how governments respond to home and global economic challenges.

Major: Economics

Year One: Foundation Year Courses

Course Code

Course Title



POL 101

Introduction to Political Science



ANTH 102

Cultural Anthropology



NATS 102

Environmental Science



COMP 110

Introduction to Computers(1)



ENGL 110

English I: Reading and Composition (2)



KHMR 110

Khmer Studies



SOC 110

Gender Studies



ENGL 120

English II: Reading and Composition



Oriented Courses Required by the Faculty


Financial Accounting I(3)



MGT 110

Management Principles







Note: - (1) COMP 110 is pre-requisite for BUS 210

  • ENGL 110 is pre-requisite for ENGL 120 (3) ACCT 110 is pre-requisite for ACCT 212

Year Two: Functional Skills Courses

Course Code

Course Title



HFT 201

Health Education and Fitness



MATH 201

College Algebra



ECON 210

Introduction to Economics: Basic Concepts(4)




Office Applications



PHIL 210

Logic and Critical Thinking



COM 210

Introduction to Communications and Mass Media



ACCT 212

Financial Accounting II (5)



PSYC 212

Personal Growth and Development



PHIL 212

Introduction to Ethics and Good Governance



Institutional Skills Courses

POL 202

ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics



HIST 230

History of Cambodia







Note: -      (4) ECON 210 is pre-requisite for ECON 311

  • (5) ACCT 212 is pre-requisite for or ACCT 325

Year Three: Basic Major Courses

Course Code

Course Title



STAT 201

Introduction to Statistics & Its Application



ARIL 210

Academic Research: Information Literacy



LAW 230

Business Law



ECON 311

Microeconomic Principles(6)



ENBC 311

Technical Writing for Business



ECON 312

Macroeconomic Principles



ACCT 325

Managerial Accounting(7)



FIN 325

Financial Management I



MATH 360

Math for Economics(8)



MGT 360

Management and Organization Behavior Theory(9)



FIN 375

Fiscal Legislation & Taxation








            (6) ECON 311 is pre-requisite for ECON 312

                (7) ACCT 325 is pre-requisite for FIN 325

                (8) STAT 201 is  pre-requisite for MATH 360

                (9) MGT 110 is pre-requisite for MGT360

Year Four: Major Courses

Course Code

Course Title



ECON 425

Principles of Public Finance



STAT 425

Statistics and Regression Analysis



ECON 449

International Economics and Finance




Applied Econometrics



ECON 451

Microeconomics: Theory and Applications



ECON 452

Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy



FIN 453

Money, Banking and Financial Market



ECON 456

Economic Analysis and Public Policy



ECON 465

Labor Economics and Industrial Relations



ENTR 476

Entrepreneurial Real Estate and Property Management







Graduation Path


Senior Projects or Exit Exam











Elective Courses

Course Code

Course Title



BUS 201

Math for Business



POL 203

US Government and Politics



POL 231

Chinese and Japanese Contemporary Studies



POL 232

European Contemporary Studies



POL 233

American Contemporary Studies



MKT 320

Marketing Principles



FIN 351

Budgeting Techniques and Project Management Application



BUS 425

Fundamentals of Business & Entrepreneurship



FIN 420

Financial Management II



ECON 430

Economic Development and Policy



MGT 466

Management and Leadership Development Skills



Course Description

POL 101         Introduction to Political Science

The course introduces the student to basic concepts of political science. The course also examines institutions and political processes in various systems throughout the world. Information and analysis provided in the course are necessary foundations for further study in this field.

ANTH 102      Cultural Anthropology

This course is designed to investigate the impact of culture on everyday living and decision-making, both locally and globally. It presents basic concepts in cultural anthropology and applies them to various expressions of culture, such as languages, family structures, livelihoods, political systems, belief systems, and art.

NATS 102      Environmental Science

Significant increases in the world population along with technology advances in the manufacture of products corresponding to people‘s demand, led to the over-exploration of nature resources. This brought environmental and other impacts, such as natural resources depletion, solid waste generation increment, ecosystem unbalancing, health and safety problems on human beings, etc. Similarly, Cambodia is also facing such problems. Hence, awareness in environmental issues contributing to environmental protection is in need to address. This course is designed to provide some fundamental concepts of environmental science in order to make students environmentally aware about vital issues like natural resources conservation, sustainable use of resources, environmental degradation, and rapid growth of human population coupled with technology causing major environmental problems. Emphasis is given to promote sustainable concepts and to enable students to make informed choices regarding their environment. Additionally, this course is introduced to make students understand theories and integrate them into practical applications through real world situation observations, consequentially allowing them to establish cause and effect relationship via impact assessment projects.

COMP 110     Introduction to Computers

This course is one of the general courses in the foundation year program required by PUC to familiarize student with the use of computer as an efficient tool in Information Technology for their study and work. It is designed to provide non-IT of how computer system has been developed the fundamental concepts and terminologies of computer systems, knowledge of basic computer hardware and software, and IT students of how to assemble computer, install software and perform computer troubleshooting. Besides this, students will learn selective Microsoft Office for practical purpose.

ENGL 110      English I: Reading and Composition

The course, a foundation level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will be guided through a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, and research and organization methods required for writing paragraphs.

KHMR 110    Khmer Studies

Khmer Studies observes the evolution of Khmer culture from pre-history through the Angkorean period to contemporary society. It examines the arts, languages, literature, customs, traditions, and creations of the Khmer people. Students gain a sense of appreciation and love for the Khmer culture and a sense of pride, integrity, and national identity.

SOC 110         Gender Studies

This course is the introduction to Gender Studies/Women‘s Studies. Given the comprehensiveness and diversity of the overall subject area, this course will provide an introduction to and critical engagement with several specific areas of inquiry that make up Gender Studies/Women‘s studies.

ACCT 110      Financial Accounting I

This course will provide students a clear understanding of basic accounting concepts with emphasis on controlling the accuracy of recording business transactions and the preparation of financial report at the end of the accounting cycle, so students pursuing various disciplines have acquired the ability to utilize and interpret the accounting information as a valuable tool for other achievement. The most important requirement for this course is a thorough preparation and analysis of the assigned problems and/or cases and active participation in the classroom. The expectation is that students will come to class having already thought through and analyzed the assigned problems and/or cases. This way, we can devote the bulk of the class time to thinking about and responding to each other‘s analyses and only the necessary minimum to getting the facts out. Students are strongly encouraged to actively participate in class.

MGT 110        Management Principles

Along the course, student would understand better the importance of management and learn how organization and individual differentiate themselves when both have the resources to acquire, skill to use and the tool. In other words, students will students would learn how individuals in organizations treat one another, how people are managed and the ability to direct the human energies to achieve organizational goals.

ENGL 120      English II: Reading and Composition

The course, an intermediate level of English as a foreign language course, is intended to guide students through models and writing practice – particularly the essay, and to sharpen composition and analytical skills needed for good academic writing. Students will utilize a variety of writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on sentence structure, including correct use of grammar, mechanics and sentence combining. Students will learn paragraph organization, documentation and organization methods required for writing term papers.

HFT 201         Health Education and Fitness

Health Education course will introduce students to basic knowledge on health education, health behavior, reproductive health, tropical diseases, sexual transmitted diseases, chronic disease, alcohol, tobacco, and domestic violence will be imparted. With this knowledge, students will have opportunity to explore the concept of health education / health promotion and health determinant factors affecting to public health.

MATH 201     College Algebra

Algebra provides materials in basic mathematics for general need in related fields such as economics, business, social science, law and so on. The topics will be covered: basic algebra operations, equations and inequalities, graphs and functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and systems of equations and inequalities. All the topics are accompanied by applications in order to get the students to know the real use of mathematics.

STAT 201       Introduction to Statistics & Its Application

This course is designed for students who have never taken statistics before. We begin with the elementary concept of statistics, continue to descriptive statistics and end with inferential statistics. Students will learn how to present qualitative and quantitative data, both by using graphs and summary values. They also learn basic probability theory in order to understand the concept of inferential statistics. The two kinds of inferences, confidence intervals and test hypotheses are included at the end of the course.

POL 202         ASEAN Governments, Politics and Economics

The course is designed to provide students with the fundamental understanding of the functional and institutional of ASEAN. Snapshots of facts and figure of ASEAN (country profile/ country bio-data) will be provided to students for familiarizing themselves with local government structure, economic trends, relevant policy and challenges. Country bio-data identifies the characteristics and personality of each national government and their respective interest in the Association. The complexity of regional politics and economics integration will be addressed to assess the institutional function of the Association. In this course covers such topics as (1) the structure of ASEAN national governments; (2) ASEAN Economic Trends-Agreements/Mechanisms (AIA, AFTA, Market and Monetary Procedure/Harmonization); (3) perspectives of ASEAN Countries: in term of economics, politics and security; (4) ASEAN Charter; (5) ASEAN Political Security Community; (6) ASEAN Economic Community; (7) ASEAN Social and Cultural Community; (8) Cambodia and ASEAN.

ARIL 210       Academic Research: Information Literacy

The goal of this course is to instill students with information literacy (IL) skills. By the end of the course, it is expected that students will be able to ―locate, evaluate and use‖ information of any type, in any media effectively. Moreover, IL will enable students to communicate their work in a scholarly manner within academic ethic principles. They will understand what plagiarism is and will cite their sources properly when they use someone else‘s ideas or work.

ECON 210      Introduction to Economics: Basic Concepts

Economics is one of the most challenges in social science studies. The context of this subject itself lies within the rational boundary of how people would interact differently to the particular economics circumstances to attain appropriate decision makings. At the micro level, this subject will provide a clear insight of how household would make his or her decision among other alternatives to reach a better off situation while confronting with limited resources. At the macro level, this subject will provide a clear focus of how a whole economics entity‘s roles would play to maintain balance of payment. The international trade, inflation, the costs of inflation, and unemployment are also covered in this course.

BUS 210         Office Applications

The major objectives of this course are to help students to use Microsoft Office professionally in the office. Students will be able to apply operating system, word-processing, spreadsheets and presentations, email, and managing database. Students will learn to create presentation file, administrative document, tale of contents & figures, print document, use footnote, endnote, & mail merge, etc. in a professional way. Students will also learn to apply various Excels’ formula and functions in data analysis, accounting, & financial calculations. To meet the objectives, the class will be conducted based on numbers of hands-on labs and case studies. They also can get information on the internet, create text files, calculate data, analyze data and print documents from various sources. Students will easily be getting a job. This course gives them information of how they use computer by learning Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, and Power BI.

PHIL 210       Logic and Critical Thinking

Students will be introduced to the basic methods and principles of logic. Students will study and apply various methods to test arguments, and apply the principles of logic, through various exercises, puzzles, and problem solving, to develop critical thinking skills. Students will study assorted forms of false reasoning and examine possible applications of this study in academic and non-academic life.

COM 210       Introduction to Communications and Mass Media

This course is designed to introduce students to Communications: the ability to give and receive information quickly and effectively. The art of getting your message across effectively is a vital part of being a successful manager. It is also wise to note that communication is the foundation of leadership. This course provides foundations to improve communication skills.

ACCT 212      Financial Accounting II

The Course is designed in unit I to provide students a complete knowledge in recording the assets, liabilities and other transactions which cause the change in financial positions and the net income of a business organization .The students will be able to understand the accounting principles and concepts which are appropriated to the business environment such as inflation and to value the internal control in each accounting steps will be stressed. Through practices and reviews, students will be able to prepare bank reconciliation, the recording of the non-cash expenses as well as the recording of the different type of business formation in accordance with the rule and regulations of the taxation office.

In unit II, all the accounting issues which primarily affect corporations as well as the way that individual and corporations use accounting information to measure taxable income and to determine the amount of income tax owed will be known. The statement of the cash flows, which is one of the four major financial statements, and the techniques by which investors analyze financial statements, will be shown.

PSYC 212       Personal Growth and Development

Personal growth and development is part of the general studies required by PUC for the entire undergraduate program. Students in their third term must take this course. This course is designed to teach disciplinary, good behaviors, positive attitude, self-respect and self-confidence at the university as well as in the society. It will also teach study skills and time management for success in college as well as in life. Buddhist as well as western philosophy and thoughts are essential part of this course. Students can learn how to value life, develop virtues, molding themselves after great heroes. The way to obtain the ―positive mental attitudes‖ is taught through this course.

PHIL 212       Introduction to Ethics and Good Governance

This course is an introduction to the subject of ethics. We will examine the basic concepts and principles of ethical thought, including issues of morality and self-interest, right and wrong, actions, character, consequences, motive, and their relationship to issues of law, religion, and society. We will also read and analyze writings by famous philosophers, thinkers, and leaders regarding ethics and the good society.

HIST 230        History of Cambodia

This is a social science course that students have to fulfill before going on to their specific major course. It will be a discussion of the civil war and its consequences especially the post dark period of year 1975-79 in Cambodia. There will also be a discussion of renovation and reform after the year 1993. The changes in Khmer culture, society and economics will be discussed based on general opinions and public media. Political structure, foreign policy, gender issues, human rights, rural development, and education are also included.

LAW 230        Business Law

This course introduces students the foundation of Business Law, the basic rules, principles, Act of Commerce, Merchant, Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design, Utility Model, and Copyrights and related rights by making comparative study between Cambodia with other countries business laws such as UK, US, Japan and other countries.

ECON 311      Microeconomic Principles

This course will introduce students to the field of microeconomics. Microeconomics examines the behavior of individual economic decision-makers: households or consumers and individual firms or businesses. Because the interaction of these economic agents (the market system) determines the market price and the quantity of goods and services produced in the economy, understanding the choices made by households and firms is a key to understanding important economic outcomes. For example, the interaction between firms and households determines the wage individuals in society are paid. We will examine the circumstances under which these outcomes are socially desirable and when markets fail—yielding socially undesirable outcomes.

ENBC 311      Technical Writing for Business

This course is designed for students who wish to improve their accuracy, appropriacy, and fluency in letter, essay, and thesis writing. Students in this course will be briefly revised the basic grammatical rules before they actually come to the writing focus. Another basic focus of this course is to provide students opportunities for practices in writing. For individual advancement, students are regularly and additionally given homework and assignment to do and research at home and at their convenient time.

ECON 312      Macroeconomic Principles

This lecture is an introduction to the macroeconomic theory. We will introduce the context of macroeconomics by presenting the main variables and groups of individual economic units that interact on the different markets. Description of National accounting principles and the components of aggregate supply and demand will lead us to study the topic of macroeconomic equilibrium. Some traditional macroeconomic disequilibrium will be also discussed: Inflation, unemployment that will drive us in the end, to deal with macroeconomic policies.

ACCT 325      Managerial Accounting

This course introduces the students to the interpretation and use of accounting information by managers to plan, coordinate, direct, and control business activities. Topics include an overview of variable costing and performance reporting , master budgeting and performance planning, flexible budgets and standard costing , decentralization and performance evaluation , relevant costing for managerial decisions ,and capital budgeting and investment analysis 

FIN 325          Financial Management I

This course is an overview of financial management issues, principles and tools for corporate forms of business. The course involves discussions, theoretical understandings, and practical applications of basic financial management for short-term needs. Understanding basic financial management issues crucially helps assess the current financing and future financial health of an organization, leading to a more informed managerial decision-making.

MATH 360     Math for Economics

The course is intended for students without sufficient maths, who wish to obtain knowledge of mathematical techniques suitable for economic analysis. It assumes very little prerequisite knowledge. The approach is informal and aims to show students how to do and apply the mathematics they require for a successful study of economics. Economic applications are considered although this course aims to teach the mathematics not the economics. Topics covered include basic algebra, simple finance, calculus and matrix algebra.

MGT 360        Management and Organization Behavior Theory

This course will provide you with an overview of management functions and processes in business organizations. Special emphasis will be placed on the behavioral aspects of individuals and groups in the organization.

FIN 375          Fiscal Legislation & Taxation

The course will consist of the materials pertaining to the concept of taxation, the classification of various taxes, and the concept of equity in taxation. This will lead to the tax structure. The U.S. tax structure and the Cambodian tax structure will be explained, including the notion of Income, and Income Tax, which does not exist in Cambodia. The determination of income using Singapore definition and U.S. definition will be explored. Further reading on Singapore individual income and corporate income will enhance further understanding of income for tax purposes. The purposes of fiscal legislation will be examined in general terms under general aspect of the matter. The second part of the course will cover Cambodian taxation, which consisted of salary tax, tax on profit and VAT tax.

ECON 425      Principles of Public Finance

The course examines the effects and consequences of different types of taxation and expenditures on the economic agents (individuals, institutions, organizations, etc.) of the society and ultimately on the entire economy. Public finance also analyzes the effectiveness of the policies aimed at certain objectives and consequently to the development of procedures and techniques for increasing the effectiveness of the policy.

STAT 425       Statistics and Regression Analysis

This course is designed for students who have already taken and Introduction to statistics (STAT 105). We begin by reviewing basics of probability theory and mathematical statistics. Econometrics, the science of economic measurement, uses the techniques of mathematical statistics to test models developed by economic theory and find quantitative measurements for the relationship between variables in economic models. It will proceed to study the basic tool of econometrics, the classical linear regression model, first in the simpler bivariate form, and then in multivariate models. Finally, this course will investigate how to proceed with econometric analysis when some of the assumptions of the classical model do not hold.

ECON 449      International Economics and Finance

This course is a presentation of international economics and finance issues. An initial focus on trade theory is planned. Trade policies will also be investigated. The link between finance and production and trade will broadly be explained in a theoretical way but also by referring to the structure of past and today international financial system. The main problems related to the IFS will be highlighted and students‘propositions to solve these problems will stand as a conclusion to this class.

ECON 450      Applied Econometrics

The course involves mainly using the regression model to interpret various economic phenomena. It starts with the simple form of regression. It goes further into analyzing the complicated form, and ends with the application of the model in the real world.

ECON 451      Microeconomics: Theory and Applications

Economics is one of the most challenges in social science studies. The context of this subject itself lies within the rational boundary of how people would interact differently to the particular economics circumstances to attain appropriate decision makings. At the micro level, this subject will provide a clear insight of how household would make his or her decision among other alternatives to reach a better off situation while confronting with limited resources.

ECON 452      Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy

Topics include the analysis of the market system in a democratic society, national income accounting, the interaction of households, firms and government and elementary monetary theory. The course emphasizes on the banking system and the Federal Reserve and its influence on employment, price levels and economic growth.

FIN 453          Money, Banking and Financial Market

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding how the funds flows from those who have to those how needs them in both ways, through the financial markets and financial intermediaries. Due to the absence of a financial market in Cambodia, the US financial markets will briefly be explained. However, the banking system will be more thoroughly discussed and the Cambodian system will be brought along with comparison to the US and Japanese system.

ECON 456      Economic Analysis and Public Policy

The course will introduce the foundation of analyzing economic activities and reasons in order to initiate a needed policy, and to evaluate and recommend a misleading policy. While you are expected to be comfortable with the relevant technical concepts, the emphasis is on their relevance and application to public policy problems and issues. The course covers the public sector in a mixed economy, market efficiency, market failure and government failure, efficiency and equity, government expenditures, taxation, and deficit financing. More economic concepts and at some instances political economy concepts will be used throughout the course.

ECON 465      Labor Economics and Industrial Relations

This course aims at providing an overview of the ―Work World‖, mainly in Cambodia. Students will look at the major steps that occurred over the last centuries that shaped the labor relations. The course reviews most significant theories and the main changes that occurred, in the last years, in the world and in Cambodia, which created the work environment, as we know it today. Special attention will be paid to the factors influencing the relations between employers and employees, unionized or not. It will not only provide the conceptual perspectives but models for labor negotiations and practical applications and examples, especially in Cambodian and international contexts.

MGT 466        Management and Leadership Development Skills

This course is part of management course program. It aims at providing students with necessary skills to develop and improve their leadership. It starts with an overview of leadership and the difference between leadership and management. The rest of the course concentrates on various skills that a leader needs. It will not only provide the conceptual perspectives but practical applications and real examples, especially in Cambodian context.

ENTR 476      Entrepreneurial Real Estate Property Management

This course is designed to teach the students about real estate property development and management. It covers the management of residential houses, apartments, condominiums, office buildings, industrial properties, and shopping centers. The students also learn how to investigate rental markets, develop rental schedules, negotiate and lease properties, and build and maintain relationship with tenant and landlords.

ECON 489      Senior Project or Exit Exam

Students will be responsible for planning an integrated project and writing a report. This includes doing customer and industry data collecting and analysis.



Higher Education


Business and Economics


Economics and Management


Bachelor of Arts




4 years