Meeting with delegates of Yonezawa Rotary Club, Japan
January 4, 2021 2025-03-05 15:53Meeting with delegates of Yonezawa Rotary Club, Japan
Five delegates of the Yonezawa Rotary Club visited Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia (PUC) to discuss an upcoming project, to get geotechnical lab equipment for the School of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering. In return, the Japanese delegates requested a video clip of their activities to celebrate the upcoming 10th anniversary of the partnership between PUC and the club.
Dr. Sam-Ang Sam, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Letter & Humanities, profoundly thanked the club for their kind support during the last seven years. Dr. Sam-Ang was glad to grant the request for the video and expects it to be produced soon.
Almost 50 PUC students have received scholarships of $300 USD each since 2009. In order to participate, students are required to have strong English skills, high GPA and a letter of recommendation from a professor and a dean. He or she must not be a recipient of another scholarship program. The program is for students with a low social-economic background.